Chapter 10: Wendigo

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"Can you tell me about them?" I ask, resting against his desk because of the sudden fatigue.

"Well, you see the picture. They can hear, but their vision is like a thermal camera, except instead of going by heat, they go by movement. They're extremely agile and fast. Shooting them is useless; only slows 'em down. Their skin is like armor. The only way to kill 'em is to burn their flesh off. And sometimes even then, they stay alive for a while. They don't like each other, they kill anything that moves." He confirms.

I shiver at the thought and ask, "Is it the virus that started it?"

"Well, it helped them spread when people came to the mountains. You see, the Wendigo is a curse here in this forest. It's how the curse is activated that caused so many of them. When people came to the mountains to run from the virus, many got stuck or stranded. They were hungry. Desperate. When one would die, they resulted to them as food to survive. Cannibalism is what brings the curse on someone. Within days they start to lose their minds, slowly changing. Just.. Don't let one get ahold of you. It's not pretty." He winces.

"You sound experienced." I comment.

He looks at me for a second before changing the subject, "Your friends are downstairs. Do you need help?"

I slowly start to walk and manage with the pain in my stomach, so I deny his help, letting him lead me to the stairs. This time he has to help me, taking the steps by myself hurt my stomach to badly.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I only then notice how big the cabin is. It's like a rich mans getaway. The upstairs is like a catwalk, giving you a perfect view of the downstairs lavish yet dusty living room. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I notice everyone sitting on the chocolate colored "L" shaped couch.

When Talon see's me coming down the stairs with Jax's assistance, he immediately stands and jogs up the last ten steps to help me the rest of the way.

The fire place is blazing and giving off soothing heat.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

I shake my head and reply, "Like I lost a fight with a lawnmower."

We walk to the couch and I notice Keith avoiding my gaze. I sit down and everyone stays silent.

"What's going on?" I ask, eerie of the silence.

"That's the thing," Jax announces as he sits next to Dylan and Collin, "Mr. and Mrs. Slater, you know of the bounty on your heads, but for years no one has found you. The Infected Rouge that attacked you ran his mouth. Hades is after you, and he's got a pin on your location. The only thing keeping him from us is the Wendigo's. His henchmen learned that pretty quick."

"Who is he?" Keith suddenly speaks up.

"He's one of the largest gang leaders out there. He's got Wolves and humans on his side. I haven't seen any look outs around so I'm not sure he knows exactly were we are, but I know he knows it's these mountains." Jax reply's.

I let out a sigh and lean back on the couch. Just great.

"You said you have a boat?" Talon asks.

"I do, but it will take you months to sail there. But, I have a plane hidden not far from here. It should get you to the U.K. on a full tank in about nine hours. Thing is, the gas is in a shed about a mile from the plane. We can leave in a few days after you have recovered. For now, my home is yours. I'll be back soon, I have things I need to take care of." He then gets up a leaves downstairs.

I like him, but he's strange.

The boys follow him and that leaves the "Original Gang" here. I let out a sigh and glance out the window, seeing inches of thick snow collecting on the ground, thick grey clouds blocking away the sun. In the distance is many blue colored mountains. I would have love to come here if it weren't for the situation we're in.

I wonder what we're going to do when we get to the U.K. I mean, I know we have to do something, but where on Earth do we start? It's like a militia going against an army.

(Three hours later, 9PM)

We've all been sitting in the living room discussing small things like ammo and the amount of people we're traveling with. The boys have been sitting on the floor by the fire talking about things. Apparently there's an opening in the basement that leads to the underground mines and if you go the right way, they lead outside. That's why the basement is shut off.

Eventually we're all left in silence. It's getting hot, but I'd rather not be cold so I don't say anything. I jump out of my skin when the front door swings open, then slams shut, causing Talon's arm instinctively wrap around me.

There in front of the door stands a frantic Jax with a large metal box-like contraption on his back. A flame thrower.

"No one move!" He yells, when suddenly something large slams through the glass window, hitting the ground. No one even breathes when the Wendigo stands and lets out an ear piercing scream.

(Author's note: Sorry I cut this chapter short, but I had a quick change in plans and had to hurry. Halloween plans to be specific. Anyway, I hope everyone has a good Halloween!) -Bri*

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