Chapter Twenty Eight

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I scrunched my eyes, licked my lips and shut my mouth. I rolled over onto my side and snuggled into the soft duvet that I had tugged along with me. My stomach felt like it was upside down and my head pounded unpleasantly.

"Gabriella!" A voice hissed sternly. It reminded me of my mother waking me up for school a very long time ago. I groaned and began slowly blinking to let my eyes adjust to the morning light that was shining in the large bedroom window. I began to squint to make out the figure beside me. Standing scolding me was my sister. I glanced over my shoulder to see if Chris was still there and sleeping. He seemed to be happily lost in his land of dreams.

"What?" I snarled groggily returning my gaze to Diane.

"Don't be angry at me, you're the one who booked your nails to be done at this hour of the morning the day after your hen party. I'm just as hungover as you are but I clearly  care more about you looking your best."

"Fuck, can we cancel it?"

"No! Your wedding is tomorrow!"

"Wedding? Wedding! My wedding?"

"Yes, wedding! Your wedding! Get up."


"No morning sex! Up! Now!"


"Yes you have to go one night without cock, deal with it. I'm going to make us coffee and breakfast. Get. Up."

She left the room ranting to herself about me. I cursed myself for booking a nail appointment, drinking way too much last night and leaving the curtains open. I shaded my tired eyes with the back off my hand to try and lessen the sunlight that proudly streamed into the room and attempted to leave the comfort of my mattress.

"Not so fast." the husky voice of the man behind me whispered and grabbed me by my slender waist. He successfully pulled me down onto his hard chest with an oomph escaping my lips. His voice was so sexy in the morning.

"Get to work sweetheart." He smirked, his eyes still closed.

"I am not giving you oral with my head like this."

"But you'd have sex with me." He stated with a matter of fact tone.

"Yes." I admitted.

"Alright princess, go for it."

"Chris what's with the names?"

"Are we having sex? Because you know Fitzy 2 will return very soon to see if you're up Fitzy 1."

His eyes had now opened and were feasting on my naked form. His stare focused on my aroused nipples in particular. I began to play with them infront of him while I bit my lip and pretended to contemplate on the subject in hand.

Chris shot up in the bed, tackled me and pinned me down onto the mattress out of impatience. His hands roughly held the two of my wrists together as he began to grind into me. I wasn't the only one who could play a game it seemed.

"My Mrs Thompson-to-be, don't you dare tease me." He growled.

The possession he used with both the 'my' and my future surname turned me on even more than I already was. He knew it. He took matters into his own hands and certainly got his way.

"Oh baby! I'm so close!"

"Ella I can't stay in I'll-"

"Please just one seco-"

"GABRIELLA!" Leon sang as he came barging in the bedroom door to see me on top of his brother in a backwards cowgirl position.

"Oh my God. Why can't you marry me? I'm the better brother, no one will ever know it was meant to be Chris."

I grabbed the Egyptian cotton sheets and yanked them up over my revealed body. It didn't really make much of a difference as they were cream and basically see-through. My face burned with embarrassment.

"Leon! Don't just barge in like that! What do you want?"

"I just wanted to ask for the WiFi password. I got a new phone to take better pictures of me in my suit tomorrow and-"

"Get out right now!"

"That's a strange password.."

"I can't believe you ruined the last time I had sex as a unmarried woman for a WiFi password that is on the fridge."

"Ella I checked, it's not there"

"Sorry I took it up to my room for my laptop and never left it back. I told you no sex didn't I?" Diane re-appeared.

"Hey Fitzy 2, maybe we should join them?" Leon winked at my sister.

I flung off the bed clothes, stormed into the en suite, locked the door, started the shower and let the frustration wash away. I dressed casually in a pair of three-quarter length leggings that showed off my lower body disgustingly well and a white cropped turtle neck top that showed my upper assets just as good.

The weather had heated up nicely and I hoped it would stay that way for tomorrow. I put on my Ray Ban's and went to grab my car keys but there was nothing on the vast line of hooks.

"Who has my car keys? Why are they not hanging up!?"

"I have them El, I'm driving because you are still capable of going to jail for driving under the influence."

"Ugh Leon give me the keys, I'm not going to get caught, it's only down the road and I'm a lot better after my shower."

"Prove it."

"How do I prove it?"

"I dunno, do something that you're usually good at?"

"I was trying earlier until I was interrupted!"

"Okay point taken you are moody and I don't want to bring you when you're in a mood but don't come running to me for bail, Bridezilla."

He threw the keys at me out of nowhere but I caught them effortlessly. He smiled and I gritted my teeth and smiled back before calling Diane's name and heading out. Typical that I end up waiting on her.

It was relaxing having my nails done with my sister. I wasn't one to pamper myself on girly things and even if I had of got my nails done before, I don't think they would have faired out to well with the occupation I had. Kim and Louise joined us to my surprise and we all had a lovely time.

I couldn't believe Chris and I would be married tomorrow. The nerves and jitters that I had were becoming unbearable. Diane could sense how bad they were. In fact they were so bad even she couldn't settle me.

We spent our day chilling out or panicking over everything and making sure everything was ready and in order for tomorrow. When we got back to the house my handsome fiancé was nowhere in sight. He left a note on the kitchen table though.


I know deep down what a traditionalist you are when it comes to your wedding, so, to prevent the bad luck of seeing my beautiful bride before the time is right, I decided to stay with dad tonight. Hope you don't mind, I thought you might like it. If you do miss me though you can give me a call, any hour, I don't care.

I love you, Chris x

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