Off The Wall

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~Michael's POV

I started to gain my own attention after the premiere of The Wiz. The promotion team thought that it'd be best if Diana and I attended the premiere together instead of our own dates, I disagreed. I loved Diana, but I wanted Rayne to come along. The only way she'd be able to come is through a general admission ticket that I had to request, and she would be sitting rows behind me. I knew she wasn't happy.

I met up with her after the movie, back at her house. I peeked through the crack of her doorway watching her angrily unstrap one of her heels. I knock lightly before entering, "hey.." I say uneasily. "Did you like the movie?" She looks at me then shrugs. "It was ok, I guess." my eyebrows frown as I watch her struggle with her other heel strap before moving her hands and unstrapping it myself. "Thanks" she says quietly, she stands looking for her sleepwear.

I watch her, chewing my bottom lip while observing her curves in her premiere dress. Suddenly my bow tie felt a little tighter than usual. I hated how Rayne was so uncomfortable with me seeing her undress, my hands have literally been all over her body, but if I wanted to just look at her it was impossible. Right when she began to lift her dress she turns toward me. "Close your eyes.." She instructs. I suck my teeth. "Really?" I groan. "Yes really, Michael." I sigh, burying my face in a pillow. "Can I look now?" I muffled.

~Rayne's POV

"No, not just yet." I say, tossing a shirt over my head. I don't want Michael to see the old scars and bruises I had from my mother and her abusive days with me. My mom made me really self conscious about who I am and my body. I throw on some shorts and walk over to Michael ,removing the pillow, revealing a smile. I hop in bed and pull him into my arms. He was still dressed in his tux, tie untied, pants unbuckled, and shoes off. I'd say he was pretty comfortable. "Quincy and I are gonna start meeting up for recording sessions soon." Michael says a grin on his face. My eyes nearly pop out and I squeal from excitement. "Really!? That's so great Mike. Are you excited?" "I am, I just hate to have to tell Joseph I'm leaving the group. He's gonna blow up. I'm trying to figure out a way where it'll sound better. He is still my father you know." He sighs. "I'll come with you tomorrow, for support." I smile. Michael nods before I watch him drift off. I nudge him. "Hey! If you're staying here get in the bed. If not, get out!" I giggle. He smirks dropping his pants and unbuttoning his shirt. I laugh as I continue to oogle him, biting my lip. "How come you get to watch me strip down to my underwear?" He whines. I laugh louder, "because I get whatever I want. Now, I want you in my bed." I say flirtatiously.

~Michael's POV

I stood outside Joseph's office door, releasing an inward sigh. "You can do it." Rayne smiles. I nod and knock on the door. "It'd probably be best for you to stay out here." I say quietly. Joseph opens the door "yes?" He answers. "I need to talk to you. About business." He invites me in shutting the door behind him. "What is this about?" He asks. "Well, due to the success of my movie, I have people who are willing to work with me in a solo album. I feel like staying with the group will hold me back. So I'm leaving the group." I sigh. He gives me a long stern look. "You are so hell bent on not listening to me. Fine go solo, when you fail don't come running back to the group." "You could at least have some faith in me. I won't fail." I roll my eyes. I hear a slight scoff, "you heard what I said." He grumbles, "you think because of this movie you'd be successful as a solo artist? It's a movie and the fame will pass on. At the end of the day family is most important. But you're going to do what you want to do. Get out." He argues. He's right, I'm gonna do what I want. I'm working toward my dream not his. I figure there's no point in arguing about it anymore and leave. "How'd it go?" Rayne asks. I scoff, "that man is impossible." I growl. "I'm gonna do what I want. He has nothing to do with me anymore." I storm off. "Well.. Where are you going?" She asks nervously. "Calling Quincy, I'm gonna get this project started!" I announce, Rayne squeals from excitement, clapping her hands and grabbing my arms. Her smile travels from ear to ear.

~Rayne's POV

I was so proud of Michael for standing up to his father. We sat in a recording studio where I watched Michael and Quincy play with sounds and go through his lyric journal for a song to match it. "Girl, close your eyes let the elements flow through you.. No no no.. Let the rhythm get into you.. That's it! That's it." He sings jotting down his own words. He was so focused and in the zone, I loved watching him like that. After about 3 hours and 2 bathroom breaks he wakes me up from my napping on the couch with a light shake. "Babe, babe.. What do you think of this? Girl, close your eyes. Let the rhythm get into you. Don't try to fight it, there ain't nothing that you can do.." I listen as he continues to sing, nodding my head. "I think that's gonna be great." I smile. We watch as Quincy puts the music together, sound by sound. Michael goes in the booth to begin recording placing his vocals on the track. It was amazing to watch him in his most creative state. 6 hours later "Rock With You" was born. "Ladies and gents, we've got a hit." Quincy says. Michael's eyes beam up, "you think so? You really think this can go number one?" Quincy nods. "Hell yeah, give yourself some credit." "You're really doing this.." I smile placing a hand on his shoulder.

Michael had been sleeping at my house to keep away from Joseph, he felt like Joseph would drain his creativity if he stayed. I didn't mind, I liked having him close to me. "You're the greatest support system I have. My own mother isn't even as supportive as you." He says as we sit in my backyard. I frown, "your mom seems to be very supportive." He shakes his head, "she's proud of me, but she gave me a speech about how family shouldn't separate. Like she wanted me to stay.. I can't stay with them. I have to branch off." "I know." I smile "and you will, once you've finished your album and release your first single." He smiles, "that will be the greatest feeling in the world, I can't wait. The album is only halfway done but when it's finished, it'll break records."

I walk in on Michael humming, and vocalizing into a recorder my eyes frowning, "what are you doing?" I giggle. He holds his finger up to signal me to wait while he continued to hum. I sit on the floor behind him, I couldn't help but nod my head. Whatever he was doing sounded great. He was so into what he was doing, his shoulders bouncing, eyes closed, he was truly in his element. After he finished I asked him again, "what were you doing?" He came and sat on the floor next to me, "laying down a blueprint for a song. Sometimes music just comes to me randomly, and if it's really good I write it down or record it, so I don't forget." I nod. "Ok.. You know I've actually been doing a lot of drawing, and I got so excited for you to go solo I drew an album cover." I giggle. His eyes shift, "really? Let me see??" He encouraged.

~Michael's POV

She hopped up and went into her closet grabbing her extra large sketch pad. "Okay, don't judge me.. its just an idea." She disclosed, holding the page on her chest. I chuckle, "okay, okay.. Just let me see." She reveals a beautiful drawing of my feet and white socks in front of a brick wall with the words "Off The Wall" written on the side. "This is crazy good! 'Off The Wall'? Is that the title?" I grin. "Where'd you get that?" She shrugs in a guilty fashion, "I may or may not have looked through your lyrics journal.." "I love this Ray.. can I keep it? I just might use it." I smile. Her eyes light up, "really?" I nod my head and bite my lip. "I love it! I gotta show this to Quincy." I smile.

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