Chapter 5: Get Away

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*** Author's Note: Sorry I took awhile to get this up. I've been busy with college, but now I'm free and I'm working on the next chapter. So please be patient with me. :) ***

One month had come and gone with no unusual occurrences. Tension eased as the encounter with the surreptitious stranger had slipped to the back of everyone’s minds. Well, almost everyone. His evil grimace and sinister laugh still haunted my thoughts, and I often found my mind wandering to that day, even though it left chills down my spine.

Light patters of raindrops accompanied the scent of moist dirt in the air. Little droplets raced down the clear glass and collide with each other as I gazed out the window of my bedroom. I could feel Jacob’s eyes upon me as he sat beside me on my white and pink flower covered bed, but my mind was elsewhere. Who was that man? Something about him seemed very strange, somewhat evil. And was he the one I might have seen that night? My thoughts were painted on my face and troubled Jacob.

“Why don’t we get away for awhile,” he finally spoke as he traced his fingers up my arm.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked, briefly coming out of my daze.

“I was thinking we could stay at a cabin on the Reservation by the Quillayute River. It belongs to my family but no one ever goes there anymore. It’s a little small and might have collected quite a bit of dust over the years, but I think it’ll be a good place to get your mind off things. You haven’t been yourself since we encountered that bloodsu­– I mean, vampire.”

He was right. That day had been the only thing that filled my mind. Getting away sounded like an appeasing idea, and the thought of spending time alone with him made it even better.

“That sounds like a good idea,” I smiled. “But what about my parents? Will they be alright with that?”

“I’m sure they will be. It’s not like we’re going half way around the world, only just up the river. Besides, if anything bad does happen you’ll have me to protect you,” he said with such pride in his voice.

“My wolf in shining armor,” I giggled.

"Shining is your thing.”

“You know I don’t sparkle.” Unlike my family, my skin didn’t reflect like diamonds in sunlight. My features were closer to a human than that of a vampire. “But the thing they might be against is the two of us alone for all that time. My dad still doesn’t like the thought of us kissing. They probably won’t like…” My voice trailed off as I thought back to that time in the meadow. My skin warmed at the thought of Jacob lips upon mine, and his hands tracing my body. I wonder if we’ll continue.

“Right.” He collapsed on my bed and tugged on my arm, bringing me down with him. “But a few of weeks away should ease your mind a bit. We’ll get Bella and Edward to let you go, or I’ll kidnap you myself.”

“A few weeks? I haven’t been away from my parents for more than a day.”

“You’re such a baby.”

“Am not.”

“A few weeks won’t hurt when we have forever.”

Forever. He tenderly kissed my forehead. I could feel the warmth of his body and hear the steady beat of his heart as I lay upon him. I buried my face in his chest and inhaled his scent, musky pinewood with a coat of old spice and a trace of something else. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but it was intoxicating.

His fingers traced up and down my spine and I let out a soft moan. Soft kisses were placed upon my forehead and led down my temples. I couldn’t resist any longer. I yearned for the touch of his lips upon mine. Our lips locked together in a passionate kiss. His tongue explored my mouth as his hands did the same with my body. His kiss, his touch was like a drug; it always left me wanting more. My fingers danced across his chest, and the fabric that hid his muscles irritated me. I wanted to tear the cotton shirt, but he placed his hands upon mine as I tugged at the fabric.

“Ness, we should stop,” he whispered and a little out of breath. “I don’t want us, well mostly me, getting killed by Bells and the bloodsucker.” Disappointment washed over me and was visible on my face. He brushed my cheek and continued, “But don’t worry. We can continue once we’re at the cabin.”

“Promise?” I was becoming irritated with these interruptions, and I desperately wanted to feel his hands all over my body again.

“I promise.” He kissed my forehead. “How about we grab something to eat? I’m starving! You’re ok with normal food for tonight right? ‘Cause I make a mean mac ‘n’ cheese.”

I giggled. “I think I’ll make dinner. I learned quite a bit from Grandma Esme. For someone who doesn’t eat human food, she’s am amazing cook. And she says she loves cooking for you.”

“I love her cooking. I can’t get enough of it. Oh yeah, we should ask your parents soon too.”

He lifted me off him without ease and caressed me in his arms. I could feel the blood creeping to my cheeks.

Edward and Bella were sitting in the living room with their faces buried in books on poetry and vampire legends. They barely lifted their heads as Jacob and I entered the room. Taking a deep breath, he asked if he could take me to the cabin on the Reservation for a few weeks. However prideful and tough he may be, asking my parents anything having to do with me left him a little uneasy at times. They were reluctant at first, but agreed to let us go, thinking it would get me back to my normal self. I had to keep myself from jumping for joy. Edward gave us a sharp look with his increasingly black eyes, but we were too excited to notice.

My parents had decided to go hunting so that left the house to ourselves for a bit. Lately being alone with Jacob gave me urges that I never felt before. It was becoming difficult for me not to want to touch him; I sometimes found myself subconsciously reaching for him. I kept my focus on the raw beef and vegetables before me so I wouldn’t pounce on him and shred his clothes right there and then.

“So what would you like?” I asked.

“Hmm, I don’t know. Surprise me,” he said with such an adorable smile.

I decided to make some roast beef with onion cream sauce and mashed potatoes. It took some time and preparation so Jacob watched some TV as he waited. Before long the aroma of the tender beef and vegetables filled the air. The timer rang and Jacob was at the table before I could even pull out the cooked meat from the over. He was already on this third helping before I was I even done with my first.

“It’s delicious, Ness,” he said in between bites.

“Thanks. It’s not at good as Grandma Esme’s though.”

“It tasted pretty good to me.” He let out a belch and leaned back in his chair, patting his belly. “Ahhh, that was good. I’m completely stuffed.”

I giggled then glanced at the clock above the mantle. “It’s getting pretty late. Mom and Dad will be home soon.”

“Right. I should get going. But I’ll come get you tomorrow morning,” he smiled.

He helped me clean up then headed home for the night.

The next day, Jacob was at the cottage before I was even out of bed.  My hair was unkempt and I was still half asleep when he entered my bedroom.

“Morning sunshine. Ready to get going?” he said with such enthusiasm.

“Since when are you up this early,” I yawned.

“Since never really. But I just happened to wake up today. C’mon. Let’s get going. There’re some things I wanna show you when we get there.”

I sleepily climbed out of bed and slipped out of pajamas into a white long sleeved shirt and blue jeans. Jacob waited outside in the living room with the suitcase I packed the night before as I finished getting ready. My parents were lecturing him about “being careful” and not to let anything happen to me. He waved his hand in the air to brush them off and promised that he would protect me, but he was sincere and they knew he was. We said our goodbyes to then headed toward the Reservation for our getaway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2013 ⏰

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