Chapter 2: Lunar Lotus

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Leaves crunched beneath our feet as we walked further into the forest. Whispers of night surrounded all around us. The moon peered through the trees and bathed us in its light. Seeing in the dark had never been difficult for me, but something about the moonlight made Jacob’s fairly tanned skin glow as it lay upon him.

The closely grown trees began to spread out from each other as we approached the end of the vast forest. A stream flowed right along the end of the woods with water dancing across its stones.

“Man that’s cold!” Jacob said as he dipped his feet into the icy river.

“Well what do you expect?” I giggled.  “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”  He swooped me up into his arms.

“What are you doing?” I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

“We gotta cross this ice bath.”

“I can get across myself.”

“But this way is more fun.”

He carried me like a groom carrying his bride through the doors of their new home. The water rose all the way to his waist, and occasionally I could feel his body shiver from the cold. We reached the other side of the river and his pants were drenched with water.

“You’re pants are completely soaked.”

“It’s fine. My body gives off enough heat to keep me warm.”

“Are you going to put me down now?”

“Nah. We’re almost there so I can still carry you.”

Although embarrassment filled my body, I couldn’t deny that I enjoyed being held in Jacob’s arms.

We traveled several yards up the river and came to the base of a cliff. A small waterfall poured over the side, creating the river we walked along side. Jacob set me down and pointed about half way up the fifty-foot cliff.  “We have to get up there.”

He ascended the great wall, and his muscles tensed as he clung to each stone.  It wasn’t long before he reached a small ledge protruding from the side of the cliff.

“Are you coming?” he called down to me. In one swift movement I ascended into the air and landed gracefully beside him.

“Alright then. There it is.” He pointed towards the back of the ledge, which barely had room for the both of us. There was a slight shadow casted and a little flower bud was hidden away.

“Is that what you wanted to show me?” I asked.

“Just watch.”

The shadows were constantly changing as the moon made her way across the night sky. The shadow on the ledge grew smaller and smaller, and the bud crept out of its hiding. Soon the little bud was completely bathed in luminous moonlight. Its petals began to uncurl and were painted with colors of white and lavender. It came to life and reached out toward the moon, wanting to touch her in the night sky.

“It’s so beautiful,” I said, amazed at what I just witnessed.

“It’s a Lunar Lotus. It blooms about once every six years on the night of a full moon. When the sun comes up it’ll curl up into a bud again and won’t bloom for another six years.”

I brushed the silk petals, which seemed to give off a faint glow of its own, with my fingertips. A sweet aroma emanated from the gleaming blossom and surrounded the air around us. It was beautiful, and I was happy that Jacob showed me something so precious. He was always there for me, always by my side. He protected me and showed me beauty this world possessed.

Being with him had never been difficult, but lately my heart raced whenever I was with him and my skin burned under his touch. What did he mean to me? What did I mean to him? I never felt this way around anyone else.

“Jacob, can I ask you something?” I said nervously.

“Go ahead.”

“What do you think of me?”

“What do I think? I think you’re beautiful and amazing. I want to be by your side always.” He pulled me close to him and I could hear his heartbeat. His heart had such a calm rhythm to it while mine felt like it would leap out of my chest. He brought his lips to my ear and whispered, “And I love you.”

I was so happy to hear those words. I felt like I could melt right there in his arms and I realized that I loved him too. But I was curious as to why he loved me. I was always changing and was part vampire. Vampires and werewolves were supposed to mortal enemies; at least that’s what I read about in books of our kinds.

“I’m so happy. And I love you too. But,” I hesitated, “why is it that you love me?”

His arms around me loosened a bit and his eyes shifted to his right. They always did whenever he tried to figure out what to say next.

“Well, how should I say this…” He ran his hand through his black hair. “It’s a wolf thing called Imprint.”


“It’s when a wolf finds the one he’s supposed to be with, his soul mate. Sort of like love-at-first-sight. We can’t help whom it happens with, but when it does, it’s like gravity disappears, and that only thing holding you down to earth is she. She’s the reason for your existence.”

Happiness filled my body. Soul mate? I’m his soul mate? The reason for his existence? He gently placed his hand on my cheek and my skin warmed to the touch.

“I love you, Nessie. I have since the day you were born.”

He leaned in and kissed me. Electricity flowed through my body and my senses weakened. I thought I saw someone at the bottom of the cliff from the corner of my eye, but I didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was being in his arms and his lips upon mine.

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