“All my life, I sat here knowing Sam’s secret acting like I never knew, there are many things you don’t know. But since you asked a question, I’ll be more than happy to answer.”

Abby pulled out a pocket knife playing with the tip. She poked herself releasing blood from her skin. She let out a laugh before she threw the sharp object towards Jasmine’s chest.

Mayah released a gasp. While Niall sat there shocked. He would’ve killed Abby but the vervain had made his body numb. He grunted moving a little on the floor. Harry was in a corner with a stake shoved through his stomach. He wasn’t dead. It wasn’t through the heart, it was in his stomach he was recovering. He watched as Jasmine let out a small grunt before her breathing became slower and slower. Liam was lying sideways trying to reach a hand towards Jasmine. The room was still before Sam attacked Abby.

“YOU BITCH!  HOW DARE YOU!” Sam screaming slapping Abby across the face.

Cole was just starting to pull out a steak but Zayn stopped him and as the 2 men fought Claudia pulled Zayn off stabbing him right through his heart.  Louis was helping Niall recover and carefully bit into his wrist feeding his blood into Jasmine’s mouth as her heart beat slowed down.

Abby got up and screamed at her little ‘sister’ Sam. “KILL ME! I DARE YOU!” she said putting her hands up as blood dripped down from the side of her face.

Everyone turned their head at the two fighting. Sam was bleeding on her arm but will be fully healed , she stared at Abby processing what she said.

Sam had a strange feeling. After she had ripped Abby’s heart out.


Jasmine’s POV

This is the end. My stomach hurt like hell and I can’t breathe. Being friends with vampires came with a price. You always end up dead no matter what. I looked at my friends before I locked eyes with Niall. I gave him a small smile before my vision stared blurring out.

It is true what people say, my entire life flashed in seconds as I heard faint screams. Liam was shaking my body as my entire vision became white.  

Goodbye world.

(Play songJ)

Sam’s POV

“JASMINE?!” Liam screamed shaking her by the shoulders.

“NO JASMINE!” Niall yelled as he breathe heavily.

She was gone. And I had deal with it. 


I killed my own sister.

“We have to tell them guys..” Louis voice said sadly from a far distance.

What are they talking about?

I was carrying Jasmine’s body with me. She deserved it. I needed to protect her body until she buried.


“I have something to tell you.” Louis said as I sat on my bed shivering.

“Well, ok.”

“We’re leaving. We wanna audition and live our dreams, I’ll come back for you Sam.”

A tear rolled down my cheek. Why was I crying?

“When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow morning, we were gonna tell you. But the auditions got moved to next week.”

“I understand.” I said smiling.

He placed a kiss on my forehead then onto my lips.

“I love you, do you know that?”


Claudia’s POV

“I’m sorry.” I whispered as Zayn climbed into my window.

He said nothing but pulled me into an embrace before placing a kiss on my lips.

“I have to tell you something.” He loosening his grip on me.


Niall’s POV

I miss Jasmine. I hate myself for being a man-bitch. I sat by the couch where Jasmine was lying in I stroked her cheek before kissing her lips one last time before I left.


Mayah’s POV

“I’ll come back, when I’m done with the X-Factor.”




-7 hours later-

I went downstairs and stared at Jasmine’s dead body before I walked into the kitchen. I took a bite out of an apple before I heard a voice.

I spit my apple out. I snapped my heads towards the girl.





A/N; Oh el oh el, Liam you don’t now whats comin’ your way (;

Omfg OIU ended): omg bulletproof love is coming!

If your mad bc liam doesn’t have a gf you gotta wait until B.S.

Jasmine if you reading this I luff you. <33

-Clawdia <3

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