Chapter 6: Oh Dear God,

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Chapter 6- Sam's POV- I woke up slowly, I looked around seeing Louis on my left side sleeping quietly. I raised a hand to touch his face, as I touched it I felt his facial hair. His eyes opened a little he stared at me and I gave him a small smile. "I always cared." He whispered as his grip on my waist tightened. "Don't leave." "I need to brush my teeth." I said looking at him. He said completely nothing but his hands slid up from my waist to my cheeks. I said nothing but looked at him nervously. I closed my eyes peacefully. Just as our lips met, someone burst through the door. Jasmine was on Niall's back giggling. The thing is, Me and Louis didn't notice they were there. "OHMAHGOD!" Jasmine screamed. Louis pulled back glaring at them. I smirked as I grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed back as his fingers ran through my hair. I could imagine Niall and Jasmine's faces right now. "So they kissed last night I'm guessing." I heard a voice say. I pulled away looking at them. "Get out." I said as I got up but I was quickly shoved against the door slamming it shut. My front was shoved against the back of my door. "Who said we were done?" Louis whispered. He turned me around roughly, causing me to look deep into his eyes. "Your right." I said before crashing my lips against his. During the kiss, I felt his hands roaming in places he wasn't supposed to be touching. I kneeled him in his 'part' causing him to groan in pain. "You're a vampire suck it up." I said patting him on the back. He gave me an evil smirk before throwing me on his back. "Let me go!" I screamed kicking all over the place. He opened my door and walked downstairs. I smelt food. And blood. As Louis carried me in the kitchen he placed me down in a seat next to him. "Are you guys dating now?" Jasmine asked. "No." we both said at the same time. "Then what the hell are you guys?" Zayn said handing me a cup that was filled with animal blood. "Friends." Louis said casually. "With benefits." I added taking a sip. "Where the hell is Abby?!" I screamed jumping up from my seat. "Relax, she said to tell you she met a guy online and she went to go on a date with him. Plus she's 26, she can handle herself." Harry said talking a seat. I threw my drink at his face. "Now shut up." I hissed. "She also offered Louis to stay as long as he wants." Liam added. "This doesn't mean sexual stuff." I said smacking him. "I wouldn't be such a what-so-called 'perv' if you put on pants. He said making air quotes around the word 'perv'. "Now all of you out of my house!.. Except Jasmine!" I yelled. "Excuse me, but Abby said I could stay as long as I wanted too." Louis said stepping in front of me. "Okay. I'll just annoy you until you leave yourself." "While you two do that can Niall come over?" Jasmine said looking at me. "Sure."


I removed my hoodie and left it in my room and sped downstairs were Louis was.

"Let the annoyance begin." He said sitting down on the love seat.

I smirked at his words and walked over to him and sat on his lap.

He put his arms around me and whispered, "This is gonna be interesting."

"Very." I said leaning back

on his chest.



Jasmine's POV- "Okay while they do their 'stuff' downstairs, we can do whatever we want." Niall said walking around Sam's room. "I really want to see Louis lose.." I said truthfully. "Well, since Sam is probably gonna seducing him or he will seduce her. "I'm betting on Sam." I said raising my hand. "I'm betting on Louis." "Well, its official. Well see downstairs." I said walking downstairs to find Sam on his lap and him biting on his lip. Haha that's sexual frustration right there. I saw Niall sitting on the couch telling Louis something with two fingers nipping at his neck. I was very confused until I realized what he was saying. Louis starting kissing Sam's neck making her gritting her teeth. I looked at the pen on the table and grabbed it. I found a napkin and wrote the word "straddle". I handed it to her before she would back down. She smirked at the napkin and move Louis' face in her direction planting a big kiss on his lips getting him off guard she pushed him down straddling him. Niall had his mouth open, yet no words out his mouth. I took a seat next to Niall. He put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I could tell Louis was gonna give up. He allowed her to kiss him but, who knew she could french kiss to get her way? He started to moan so I quickly got up and pulled the two away. "OK, THAT IS JUST PLAIN DISTURBING! YOU GUYS REALLY NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KISS PROPERLY WHEN YOU GUYS ARE IN PUBLIC!" I screamed. "Who won then?" Niall asked. "Well, obviously Sam." "WHAT?!" "YEA SAM WINS YOU MOANED IDIOT! NOW LISTEN TO THE GOD DAMN GIRL!" I yelled. "I'll take care of him." Sam said twisting his ear and pulling him upstairs.

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