Chapter 7, Part 1/3: Revealed.

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Chapter 7, Part 1/3 - Sam's POV- I watched as she stacked 2 mattresses together and made it look decent. Claudia was the cousin who understood what me and Abby went through. Her parents were killed by vampires too. I don't know if she knew about us supernatural creatures. I was afraid she would hate me for becoming a bloodsucker. I kept the secret to myself for 4 years. It was better if Abby didn't know. I looked out at her window and found Zayn and Niall in bed watching T.V. I heard Louis' voice from a distance downstairs so I listened (thank god, vampire hearing)


"Hi Abby! Can I come in to talk to Sam about something?"

"Sure, but are you gonna ask her out or something?"

"I really don't know, but I'll think about it."

"Come in! But you guys should go out."


I felt my cheeks growing hot, I could see Claudia looking at me with a smirk.

"What?" "So there's a guy isn't there?" I didn't answer and thank the lord at Louis started knocking on the door. "Can he come in?" I asked. "Sure." "COME IN!" I yelled. He walked in and stood next to me. "Yes?" "Oh, I wanted to ask you if Claudia was coming to our school." He said as he looked at her. "Claudia? Are you?" I said raising my eyebrow at her. "Yea," she said pulling a picture frame out. "So," I said how have you been these past 2 years?" I said pulling Louis down on the corner of the bed with me. "I actually tutor online for money and nothing special." She said plainly. "But, I must ask. Are you two dating?" she said as she raised her eyebrow. I heard Louis laughing, "Were friends," "With benefits." I added which made her smile turn into a smirk. "NO WE DON'T DO DIRTY STUFF!" I practically screamed. She raised her hands in surrender. "I must ask little cousin," "YOUR ONLY 7 MONTHS OLDER! GOSSSHHHH." I whined. "Awh, don't worry Jasmine is turning like 18 next week." Louis said hugging me. "Who is Jasmine?" "Oh, you'll meet her once you start school which is?" I said trailing off. "Tomorrow actually." My eyes widened and I started to scream.

Claudia's POV- I could've became death but I couldn't, why not? Because I'm not a human being she thinks I am. "Ok, you can stop screaming now because, this is the girliest I've seen from you Sam." Louis said smiling at her. "Well, if you lovebirds don't mind, I would love to sleep." I said kicking them out 'my' room. I changed my clothes and sat on my window staring at my toes.. I closed my eyes and waited for the morning to come.

As the sun was halfway up, I drank a 2 blood bags and cleaned myself up looking for an outfit. I grabbed all-black vans and looked in my bag for my shorts and looked for a proper shirt. I pulled out a black graphic tee. And threw everything on. And combed through my hair and blow drying it. I just filled in my brows and grabbed my school bag and heading downstairs. "CLAUDIA!" Sam screamed running down stairs. "Shall we go?" I said dangling my car keys on my index finger. "YES!" she yelled jumping on my back. I unlocked the door with my spare hand closed it with Sam still on my back.

"BYE ABBY!" We both screamed laughing.

I unlocked the car and she got back on her feet and opened the door and sat in the passengers' seat. We arrived in the parking lot and this was where my journey begun.


What do you guys think so far?


Oh, It's You! (Vampire.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang