Chapter 2: Discovery.

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Chapter 2- Sam's POV; "They are?" "Yup" I said popping the 'p'. "Yea every girl wants them." She said noticing they were glaring at her. "Please." She said with sass. "Well, shall we get started on the tour?" "You, may." I said as the bell rang. Ever class. Every single class so far they were in it. Glaring at me with hate. It was free period so I walked over to my locker with Jasmine as she took out her sub and ate it. You see? I love people that don't care about their weight and stupid calories. Like, Jasmine was like fit. I looked at her as she ate the last piece of the sub and throw the plastic wrapping in the garbage bin next to us. "I'm going to go use the little ladies room really quick." "M'Kay" I said shutting my locker. I sat down on the picnic bench. Minutes had passed by and she hasn't come back. While sitting there as guys wolf whistling at me, being the girl I am I gave them the finger. I got up and walked by the bathroom looking for her as I heard a high pitched screamed further away from the school. I leaped over the fences in vampire mode and dashed closer and closer to where I heard her scream. "Shut the hell up already Jaz! No one can save you." Harry said pinning her by the neck against the wall as he pushed her up a little. "Poor little thing." Zayn said stoking her cheek. Tears made its way down her face. Their eyes grew red and their fangs stood out a lot from their mouths. No. No. I see Louis sniffing a little. "We have another human here. Come out and get killed or hide and well rip your limbs apart." He growled. I ran around the place leaving wind flying on their face as I quickly passed them. I stopped and faced the wall. I felt my fangs coming out and the veins underneath my eyes pumping. "Sam?!" Jasmine said shocked. I felt Niall running towards me ready to attack. I turned around and hissed at him, all of them. "That's impossible." "You have a human scent." Liam said with anger. "Its nice knowing you." Harry said coming at me. I stood there as he came my hands made their way to the skin around his arm pit. I grabbed the skin and twisted it causing him the fall to the ground. "Let her go." I hissed."Fight for her." Louis said not giving up. "Come at me." I whispered. I know they can hear me with their vampire hearing. Liam came grabbing my arm. I struggled but found my way twisting his arm to his back. Of course Zayn and Niall decide to attack at the same time. I jumped pulling Liam to the ground. Kicked Niall in his baby producing part making him groan. "As you can see, I'm not here to fight. I took 3 of your friends down on my own and I'd be happy to take you both down." I growled. Before Zayn opened his mouth Louis was already holding onto me by my waist.

Jasmine's POV; What was she doing?! Louis had an arm around her waist he leaned closer. He was seducing her. Ew. I know because he does it to get what he wants and what he wants right now in his cold heart is Sam. Dead. She seemed to be falling for it. I wanted to yell at her but I see Niall recovering and quickly by my side covering my mouth. I couldn't say anything. Vampires? They don't exist, Do they? But boy, I was wrong. She leaned closer and then her exposed knee from wearing shorts made its way up to his crotch and ya know.. Sam seems to know what she doing. A lot. "Now you know I'm those horny sluts." She stated coldly before grabbing me. Before I could count to 5 we were back at the front of the school. She clutched on my hand, "Hold on." She jumped pulling me over the fence with her. My new friend was a vampire. What the hell am I gonna do now?

Hope y'all enjoyed!


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