Wade just sighs. Soon enough, BANG BANG BANG!


I get killed by Bob. "How did you find me?"I ask. "I don't know. Lucky guess I guess."Bob says.

"See, Wade. This is all your fault. I would have been fine if you hadn't stated your stupid statement."I say accusing Wade jokingly.


"Yes you!"I say. Jack and Bob are heard laughing in the background. Soon my phone starts ringing.


"Shut up, Wade, my phone's ringing. Be right back guys."I say. They say,"Alright." And I take my headphones off and pilling up the call.


"Hi. Is this Mark Fischback?"I hear a female voice on the other line say.


She breaths a single go of relief,"Okay good. It's me, (Y/n)."She says.

'(Y/n)?  Why is she calling me?'

"Oh uh hey, (Y/n). What's up?"

"Okay. I don't have much time now before my show starts so I'm going to make this quick. I need a offer to ask you but I don't have the time to give you full information about the offer. I was wondering if we could meet up at the same coffee shop we last saw each other? At like around noon-ish. Does that sound good? I understand if you don't have the time."She says.

I think for a moment. I look at my watch.

"Hello? You still there, Mark?"She asks.

"Oh I'm yeah sure. I can't see why not. So at the same coffee place around noon?"




Awkward silence. I could hear someone in the background,"Hey, (Y/n)! Show starts in 3!"

"Coming!"She shouts,"So I'll see you later. Okay? Okay! Bye."

"Bye."I say and we both hang up. I sigh. I couldn't believe she actually wanted to see me. And I was pretty happy about that. I smile to myself and go back to my computer putting my headphones back on.

"Back."I say.

"Who was it?"Bob asks.

"Probably Markimoo's girlfriend."Jack says.

"Meh. Something like that..."I say.

"Wait. You have a girlfriend?! Who is she?!"Jack says in shock.

"Well, kinda. Jack, I don't expect you to answer this but, Bob and Wade."

"Yeah, Mark?"Bob asks.

"Remember (F/n) (L/n)?"

They're quiet for a moment and finally spoke,"(Y/n) as in your ex-girlfriend?"Bob asks.


"The last girlfriend you had?"


"The only girl that you loved."


"The only girl who YOU actually dumped?"

"Okay stop with all this."I say.

"So what did this "(Y/n)" call you about?"Asks Jack.

"Well. She had an offer for me and didn't have time since her show started in 3 minutes. So we're meeting up in the coffee shop we last met."

"Wait. Two questions. One: She has a her own show? Two: When did you see her last that you never told us about."Wade asks.

"Yes she owns her own show. A morning talk show. And we met just about a week ago."I say explaining everything to them.

"So I'm leaving at about noon. Make sure you keep an out for her show called, LA Mornings. They aren't really that bad."I say to them.

"Ooohhh."They all say understanding.

"So Mark. You're meeting your ex?"Jack asks.

"Um yeah. I don't really know what she needs, but if she needs help with something, I'm willing to help."I say.

"Doesn't explain I got notifications that you became friends with her on social media."Bob says laughing a little.

"Yeah. I got a notification on Instagram that you liked a picture of her in a bikini."Wade says.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot,"What? Can I not like her pictures?"

"You can. But it was weird how you liked that one pictur of her in a bikini top and bottom."Bob says.

"Yeah! She probably got a notification that you liked her picture! Good luck dealing with that later."Jack says jokingly.

"Yeah yeah. Let's just get back to playing this."I say. We all agree and continue to play Prop Hunt.

My Old "Friend" (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now