One Shot : Birthday Surprise

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A/N: I said this was completed, but since it's my friend's birthday today I thought I'd write her a little story :3

Bre's POV

It's 11:50. I'm sitting on the couch with Melissa and Emily. Amber is off doing who knows what. We're all on our laptops. I can hear through my headphones the click of the mouse and the words being typed.

I'm scrolling through tumblr. Reblogging anything and everything Yukine or OTP related. I scroll past a picture of Yukine smiling and blushing. I feel myself blush a little as I reblog it.

Suddenly, the world goes black. My eyes are being covered by someone's hands. They whisper in my ear, "Happy Birthday, Bre."

As the hands are taken away, I feel the familiar feeling of someone else's lips to mine. Turning to face my boyfriend, I wrap my arms around him.

Shortly after, we separate. Both of us are blushing. I can hear Melissa stifle a giggle and Emily take a picture. Those dorks.

Yukine is holding his arms behind his back. I look into his eyes and raise an eyebrow. He smiles as he stand up, still not letting me see what's behind his back. I get up slowly, and suddenly lunge to grab the object. However, Yukine is fast and dodges. I get a small glimpse of yellow.

"Hold on," he says. "Close your eyes for ten seconds."

I look at him questioningly, but do as I'm told. As I'm plunged into darkness, I hear the faint sound of movement.

3. 2. 1.

Opening my eyes, I see no one is there. The only sign that anyone had been there was a note on the table nearby. It said:

Come at me!

I cock my head to the side, confused. Come at me? As I try I consider what it means, I hear the shuffle of movement behind me. Turning back around, I see nothing. However, I do see the kitchen across the hall.

Eggroll. Come at me eggroll. Laughing to myself at our inside joke, I walk over to the kitchen.

Nothing has been changed. I consider where to look, when I notice the fridge. Opening the door, I see a note on top of our Chinese leftovers from yesterday. It says

Charlie. Nooooo.

Oh gosh. I remember the day Amber, Emily, and I were watching Charlie the Unicorn videos. Just another joke.

I know the best place to find candy is the cupboard nearby. I continue my search with clues such as:
"It feels like" Corn.
"Are you suffering?" Back pain.
"I'm looking for a co-star" U Ra Ra.
"I'm the real" Sugar baby.

And the clues went on. After an hour of going from one room to the next, I reach the door to the ballroom. As I open the door, I'm greeted by darkness. The curtains are closed. I walk in, slowly.

"Surprise!" I hear everyone say as the lights turn on. I'm greeted by my sisters and their boyfriends, our parents, and Yukine.

Of course, Yukine greets me first. He walks up to me and hugs me. Again, he whispers, "Happy Birthday."

I smile and reply, "Thank you."

The afternoon comes and goes as we all chat. We play games on the Wii U. We laugh at stories. And then there is cake.

I just finished opening one of my last presents. I was so happy. I had gotten everything I wanted. Except, Yukine still had his yellow bag with him. After giving Melissa a hug for her present, I sit back in my seat.

Yukine slowly walks up to me and hands me the bag.

I open it slowly. There are Noragami and Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches manga volumes in it. But at the bottom I see a small box. I take it out and slowly lift the lid.

Inside is a silver ring with a large, beautiful diamond. I look at Yukine who is down on one knee. He says, "Will you marry me, Bre Sherwin Bliss?"

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