Let the Games Begin prt 1

202 4 1

At School

Nesha: let me catch your ass back around him

Cymphonique : okayy slut

Nesha: you stupi-(GCO) Jacob covers her mouth and they walk away

Ari: what's going on

Shay: Nesha was finna go ham on Cymphonique and

Nesha: Kem can't get over roc

Kem: it's not about that its just I love him .

Shay: it's okay you gonna find someone else ... Umm how about that boy over there

Ari: who is that

Nesha: idk but he walking over here

??hey I'm new mind if one of y'all show me to classes

Shay: first

Nesha: off

Ari: what's

Kem: your

The Girls: Name

Sincere picture : https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/548927_499533240094641_1994598336_n.png?dl=1

Sincere: oh my name is sincere

Kem Pov

Zamnnnn he is cute ?he so damn cuteee maybe I can get over roc

Pov End

Kem: can I see you schedule


Kem: Yeah Buddy me and you have all our classes together cool

Sincere: that wassup ma mind showing me the classes

Kem: okay I will tlk to you guys later


It's going to dads plan now I did my part now it Jaden,Layzah,and Tasia turn but I don't wanna rape Kem she beautiful ,smart and has a unique personality I don't wanna hurt her


Kem: and this is 6th Block

Sincere: Thanks for show me the blocks

Kem: no probz

Sincere: hey what was wrong with you earlier

Kem: oh I just broke up with my boyfriend

Sincere: dang well I would love to take you out sometimes

Kem: sure

With Layzah and Tasia and Jaden

Tasia: there's Myles whoa he finer in person

Layzah :oh there's roc sexy

Jaden: and Lil Lexy

Tasia: everyone just remember the plan shit

Everyone but Tasia : Gucci

Tasia: let the game begins


Love,Lost,Everything in Between (A MindlessBehavior Story) (EDITING !!!)Where stories live. Discover now