Fifty-Two || Bad Blood

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"She used to meet with my mother," Derek said with a nod.

Jacy lifted up Brett despite him being twice her size. She set him back on the table, looking at him curiously. "He's from Devenford, isn't he?"

"Yeah, we played his team tonight. He's captain." Stiles gave her a look, "Why?"

"He's been in my shop before. I recognize him," Jacy replied. "He's on the deadpool for a million."

"Are we not going to talk about how much you are?"

"I'd prefer not to," she said as she leaned on the table.

"What was the cipher?" Derek asked as Deaton started to clean up Brett.

"Aiden." Jacy didn't say it happily, thinking of how he'd attacked her and nearly killed her. "Meredith gave it to us in numbers."

"I thought she was in Eichen," Stiles said.

"She broke out. I'm not sure how, but she showed up at the station asking for Lydia." Jacy looked to Deaton, "Do you need any help?"

"You're all free to go," he replied. "I'll keep him here until he wakes up."

Stiles nodded, walking over to Jacy as Derek followed. They headed out, thankful Brett would be all right.

"Do you have his shirt?" Derek asked Stiles as they got out to the parking lot.

"Yeah, it's in the car. Scott wanted to see where Garret had cut him," Stiles told Derek as they stopped by his Jeep.

"I can maybe use his scent to find Satomi," Derek offered.

Stiles pulled out the Devenford Prep jersey, "Here."

Taking the shirt, Derek said goodnight before getting in his Toyota and driving off.

Stiles looked over to Jacy, unsure of how to feel. Instead, he hugged her.

Jacy eased, resting her head against his chest as she wrapped her arms around him.

"It was really hot when you punched Brett," Stiles said after kissing the top of her head.

Jacy laughed into his black shirt, "Thanks."

"Fifty million, Jace," he whispered as she looked up to him. "That's a lot of money."

"I know," she quietly replied. "But you're not on it, which is a good thing."

"I don't care if I'm on it. I'm more worried about you. You're twice as much as Scott and he was the highest until now." Stiles tucked a wave of hair behind her ear, his eyes flooded with concern.

"I'll be okay."

"I might not be able to hear your heartbeat, but I can tell you don't really believe that," Stiles said with a soft sigh.

"Everyone's on this thing, Stiles. Of course I'm worried, just not as much about myself."

Stiles searched her eyes, a realization hitting him. "You're not afraid of dying."

Jacy gave a sad smile, confirming his assumption.


Jacy tugged on the hoop in her cartelidge absently, at a study table in her seminar the next day. Her heeled ankle boots tapped against the ground as she skimmed her history textbook. She stuck her pen between her lips, flipping the book shut with slight annoyance.

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