This is a perfect time with its own imperfections hidden deep inside. The entire city smiles and makes all of the others jealous.

But that's the thing. In our own world, some of us have to convince ourselves that we are happy. A few people don't know what it's like to wake up with a grin on their face.

Opening the door to my apartment, my phone starts ringing and I jump from surprise. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see that the number dialing me isn't anybody that I know.

I decide on answering it anyway and boy am I glad that it's nobody creepy. "Hello?"

"Hi, Doctor Anderson," the female on the other line says to me. "I understand my friend texted you, right?"

"Possibly," I reply. "who are you talking about?"

"Jamie," she tells me and I nearly drop my phone. Why did he say I'm the only one that can help him? "I'm his friend's cousin, Katie. Short for Katherine"

"Ah, well, thank you for clearing that up, Katie," I mentally punch myself in the face. How stupid can I possibly be?

"You're welcome," Katie says. "oh, and please don't give up on Jamie...even more, don't let him get attached to you."

"What do you mean by 'don't let him get attached'?"

"When he gets attached to someone, he'll do anything for the sex," she explains to me and I sigh into the phone.

"I'm not surprised," I tell her, yawning from my overly exhausting day. "thanks for the warning though."

"Whatever'll make your job easier, I'm willing to help out," Katie reassures me. I smile, knowing I now have someone who can help manage my stress levels. "I'll talk to you later, Dr. Anderson."

"Alright, bye Katie."

I hang up my phone and grab a sticky note, writing down what Katie just told me. Maybe he won't be as difficult after all.

My instincts tell that I should probably ask Jamie what he's talking about. I flip through my phone to find my messages and see the same text he had sent me. While typing the message 'What do you mean by me being the only one that can help you?'.

My fingers press the bridge of my nose and I think about what he can possibly have in mind. I stand up from my couch and walk myself into my kitchen. Foraging through the cabinets, I find the hot chocolate that I have and grin. Lord, I haven't had this in ages. I pour some milk into a small coffee cup and set it down in the microwave. I jump at the sound of my phone buzzing on the table and I see a reply from Jamie. My heart nearly crashes out of my chest as I read it. 'What's your address?'. Oh crap.

My breathing becomes shallow as I pace around my kitchen, trying to decide on if I should tell him my address or not. I'm his freaking Therapist and I can't just let him stop by for his definition of help whenever he wants. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and gasp, without even realizing that in the time I spent procrastinating, I sent him my address. Out of any curse word there is, none of them could fit how angry I am at myself right now. Gosh, I'm going to need my own Therapist after whatever events that are ahead of me happen.

There's a knock on my door and I try my best to ignore it and take my milk out of the microwave. Groaning, I hear more and more knocks and I can feel the person's impatience.

"Cecilia, please answer the door," I overhear Jamie's familiar voice yell through the door. Cecilia. I whine and quickly walk over and open the door to see his big, pleading, brown eyes. For a couple moments, he and I just stand there, staring at each other. I motion for him to come in since the cold air is creeping in from the outside and he takes a step into my apartment. My mind clouds up as I think about what could happen at any moment. I have a feeling that I know exactly what'll happen and my stomach does flips in fear that I might possibly go through with it.

Satyriasis - ja.benn ☆ (18+) ✔️ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें