

Why did i do this? I didn’t mean to harm anyone.. I don’t want Niall and me to fight.. I want to be friends.. but seeing him and Amber together, laughing, having a good time, it hurts me. I want her, I need her to be mine. She’s so pretty, and so shy at the same time.. she doesn’t even know how beautiful she is..

the throbbing pain in my chin reminded me of how wrong my thoughts were. Amber is Niall’s. he had made it clear to all the boys, the day he had met her; he had called dibs on her.

I’m lying in my bed, the sheet tugged up to my chin while I’m crying my eyes out. I fucked up. I need to apologize.. I stood up, sighed deep and rubbed my eyes. Their all puffy and red, but I don’t care. I need to find Niall..

silently I walked through the house. Everybody was already asleep. I opened Niall’s door quietly. ‘Niall?’ I whispered, while my eyes adjusted to the dark. He was sleeping. The sheets were half covering him, and there, in his arms, she was.


She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. A smile played her lips while she tucked a little bit further  in to Niall’s chest.

I smiled a little. It’s good to see them being good with each other again. Even though it hurts me badly, I’m happy to see them happy, I just have to get over these feelings for her.

‘I’m so sorry..’ I whispered to the sleeping body’s.  I’ll talk to Niall tomorrow, I have to. Silently I slipped out of the door, closing it behind me. I slid back into my comfy bed and fell asleep quickly.



I slowly opened my eyes, waking up from the light shining in to the room. For a second, everything was calm. I just lay there, content, in the two, strong arms, that were holding me, savoring the moment.

then, the thoughts of everything that had happened yesterday came back to me, and I shot up in bed. Niall growled a bit in his sleeping, extending his arms to grab onto me again. The thoughts have totally awakened me, so I softly untangle myself from him and get out of the bed.

for a moment I just stand there, admiring the blonde boy, still asleep in the bed. How did he manage to look this good, even in his sleep? I for one couldn’t. my hair was like a bird’s nest, while my makeup, that I hadn’t bothered to clean up yesterday, was smeared across my face. I giggled softly when Niall hugged a pillow to his chest, burying his head in it, like a replacement for me.

after changing out of my clothes, that I fell asleep in last night, I took a long, warm shower, tugged on one of Niall’s shirts, combined with the legging I wore last night. His shirt was so big on me, that it almost looked like a baggy dress.

I silently crept into the living room, and looking at the clock, it was only 7 o’clock yet. The other boys were home late yesterday, so I didn’t expect anyone to be awake yet. That’s why I was shocked to hear someone rummaging about in the kitchen.

I stood in the dooropening, watching the bare back of the curly haired boy that was in his sweatpants, without a shirt, rummaging through the fridge. ‘Morning love.’ His morning voice sounded through the kitchen, making me jump up.

how did he know I was here? His back was turned to me and I was almost sure I had been quiet.. like he read my thoughts, he turned around, the milk carton in his hands while he showed me his smile. ‘I heard the shower in your room, and I guessed It couldn’t be niall.’ I giggled, walking towards him, taking the milk from him and taking a big sip.

the sight of him scared me a bit. Even though the icepacks had seemed to help reduce the swelling, his lip was still split, and his chin was beginning to become purple. His eyes looked tired, even though he smiled his million-dollar smile at me.

‘how are you?’ I asked hesitantly, while I put the milk back in the fridge. ‘Never been better.’ He chuckled, while he grabbed the milk back from me, pouring it over his captain crunch breakfast. ‘listen, amber..’ he sighed, turning around to look at me again.

‘Im really sorry about yesterday..’ I knew this was coming, so I nodded at him. ‘Im sorry too. We  were just drunk..’ I looked at him, hoping he would agree with me. ‘it just.. won’t happen again, right?’ I added, smiling softly.

he looked hurt, the smile vanishing from his face. After a moment he remembered the spoon full of food that was hovering in the air, and he slowly swallowed it, then looked at me, opening his mouth to say something.

‘GOOOOODMORNING LOVELY’S!’ ugh, Louis, it’s half past 7 in the morning..

soon after that, everyone was awake thanks to louis’ obnoxious shouting. We were watching the tv, Niall’s arm slung loosely around my shoulder. Everyone was in a bad mood, grumpy from the late night and early morning, and only Louis was his cheery self, like nothing had happened.

I had noticed Harry looking at Niall and me, again, but I didn’t say anything. It hurt me to see him like that, and I wished he had said what he wanted to say this morning while we were alone. It was eating me alive.. but, I was happy with the way things were between Niall and me.

there was still some tension between Harry and Niall, but i wasn't going to interfere. they were a band, for god's sake, they had to get along. i had done everything i could to be friends with both of them, i had    talked with harry, so now it was up to them to talk to eachother..

sighing, I pressed myself a bit closer to Niall, earning a kiss on the cheek. ‘We have a performance tonight.’ Liam broke the silence, while his eyes never left the tv screen. Louis started cheering, jumping up and down the couch, while zayn growled something. He had apparently been pretty drunk yesterday.

I giggled, feeling Niall’s chest vibrate underneath me from his laugh. ‘OMG IM SOOO EXCITED!’ Louis squealed, perfectly impersonating one of their obnoxious fangirls. That made the other boys crack up to, even Zayn smiled a little!

when they finally stopped laughing,  Niall looked at me curiously. ‘are you coming tonight?’ I flailed my arms around, shaking my head. ‘No. the stupid tickets had been sold out when Julia and I had finally loaded the page.’ I said, pouting.

‘well.. of course you are coming, and Julia too.’ I raised my eyebrow, watching him intently. ‘what do you mean, I just told you we don’t have tickets..’ I said. ‘what do you think, that we can’t get some extra tickets for our own show?’ he responded, smiling at me.

I screamed, making Niall flinch, while I jumped up from the couch, and seeing as Louis was still jumping up and down, I jumped in his arms, so we were rolling on the ground together, laughing and cheering. ‘You will bring Julia, right!?’ Louis asked, excitedly.

I laughed out loud. Yeah, Louis and Julia were fun together, but I just hoped they wouldn’t have any children together.. that wouldn’t go right.. I frowned, untangling myself from Louis.

‘Lou, please just promise me you won’t have kids with Julia, ok?’ I asked sternly. He frowned at me, not understanding the clue, while the others cracked up laughing.

Reckless Love (Niall Horan Fanfiction) (english)Where stories live. Discover now