Epilogue - One Year Later

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"As I stand here before you," Michael started.

It was mid-August, and hotter than hell in Prague. As we all - our teammates and their significant others - sat outside in the reception area, before the newly-named Mr. and Mrs. Frolik, there was nothing but smiles all around.

"I realize how lucky I've been over the last few years," his voice cracked, which he quickly covered with a cough, "To have such great friends and teammates as you all. I truly am blessed. And not to mention, how in the world I got lucky enough to score such a beautiful girl as Nicola here." He smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Daa!" a little voice called, bringing my attention to my lap.

"Shh," I whispered, placing a kiss on her head.

Everyone laughed, and so did I. And suddenly, Michael's attention was brought to me.

"Especially Ondrej," he spoke, holding his glass out towards me, "He's been through hell and back, yet managed to always stay by my side. And for that, I thank you. I want to wish the best to you, Ondrej, on your engagement to Daniela, and your new bundle of joy, Anne."

"Cheers!" He cried, causing all the guests to clink glasses and share laughs and side conversations.

I clinked glasses with Daniela, and Blake and his wife, before heading up to do my Best Man speech.

"Here," I said quietly, handing baby Anne over to Daniela, "Go see Mommy."

She squirmed a bit, but quickly felt warmth in her mother's arms.

"Michael, Michael, Michael," I sighed, shaking my head, "Where do I start with you?"

I paused for a moment.

"For starters, you're a dumbass." I shrugged, getting a few laughs from the guests.

"But, no, seriously," I cleared my throat. I stared out at all the expectant eyes on me; instantly meeting Daniela's gaze. "Michael, you've been my best friend for as long as I can remember. As kids, we'd play street hockey together, play actual hockey together, and spend most of our days together... That is, until you met Nicola." I laughed, winking at her.

"She really is a great girl, Miša. You really lucked out with her, bud. I'm so glad you two found each other... And from the way I see it, I couldn't imagine it any other way. You guys were like the two missing puzzle pieces, who came together to fill the void in each other's lives. What one lacks, the other makes up for."

I took a deep breath.

"I don't think things could've turned out any better for you two. Since day one, you were meant to be. And now, you've got all the way until your last breath-"

I stopped. My throat felt as though it was collapsing, and I could barely speak. I knew if I were to say another word, I'd break down completely.

"Wishing all the best for you two, from all of us. Forever and always..." My voice broke as I stepped down from the stage.

I couldn't help but glance upwards... Just one more time, just to make sure Anna was still there, watching over us, and waiting for the day we will meet again.

Someday, my love...

"We will meet again, Anna Mickova." I whispered to myself, still staring at the ceiling. "But for now, I'm happy where I am. Here and now, with Daniela and baby Anne... This is where I need to be now. This is my destiny."

"Although, I look forward to hugging you once more, I know it will have to wait... For, I am where I need to be now. But, until then..."

"...I love you, Anna. Always have, always will."



This chapter was pretty bittersweet for me to write, really. Seeing as how this is the end of my "Twelve Days" series... And this chapter was written horribly. Nonetheless, I hope you've enjoyed reading it, as much as I've enjoyed writing it for you guys!

I currently don't have an stories lined up, and I've been thinking of retiring from fanfic writing, but please feel free to leave me suggestions for things to write. My mind is always open to new plots and stories to compose!

And, as always, feedback and votes are always highly-appreciated.

Thank you guys for everything, and don't forget to check out my other stories!

Stay strong, loves
Courtie :) xx

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