Chapter Three - Truth Be Told

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"I love you so much," Michael mumbled through a kiss he placed on Nicola's cheek. I had just woken up, and walked in on their PDA in the middle of my kitchen.

Although, Nicola was making pancakes.

"Oh," Nicola grinned, holding up a spatula towards me, "Morning, Ondrej!"

"Morning," I muttered, still bitter from their early morning lovey-dovey crap. I ran my hands through my messy hair.

"I made pancakes!" She cried, turning around to fill my plate with a few steamy pancakes.

"Thanks," I said, groggy. I placed my chin upon my hand, and began stuffing my face with flapjacks.

I watched, as Michael and Nicola whispered something to one another.

It was about me, I could tell.

I was sure they were discussing how to bring her up. If they ever do, I dread that day already.

"You say it," Nicola pressed, raising a brow at Michael.

"No way!" He whisper-yelled, "Ondrej's my best friend... I can't do something like that to him. Besides, you were Anna's best friend. You mention something!"

I stood up and walked over to the sink, near Michael and Nicola. I put my plate in the dishwasher.

"I'm going to the rink," I said randomly, throwing my hockey bag over my shoulder. And as I had just about made it through the door, I paused, and turned back to face them.

"Oh," I started, "And I've moved on."

It was then, that the door slammed behind me.

I just needed somewhere to get away, you know? As much as I wanted to be over Anna - and believe me, I really wanted to - I just couldn't. She was my one true love, but I still couldn't let Michael and Nicola see me dwelling over her.

Everyone told me I needed to move on; my mother, step-father, sister, and eventually Michael and Nicola. Even I wanted myself to move on.

She's gone now, and I'm still here. I can't let her memory keep me from living my life.

Plus, she had already accused me of cheating, so doesn't that pretty much classify us as exes?

I arrived at the rink, and was greeted by the usual staff. Luckily, training camp wasn't for a few days, so I had time to practice by myself, and with a few of the other early-comers.

"Is it alright if we line up and take a few shots?" Blake and Andrew asked, awaking me from my daze. I nodded and returned to my stance.

I had managed to stop most of their shots, missing the occasional one.

As Blake and Andrew began to clear the pucks from the net, I decided to take a skate around the rink. To clear my head, I guess.

With only having taken two laps, the thoughts began flooding back to me instantly.

Just two years ago, I could've looked out at the benches, and seen Anna.

Just two years ago, I could've looked out at the benches and seen Anna's smiling face, supporting me from the behind the glass; waving and laughing along with the other guy's wives and girlfriends.

Those were the thoughts I was afraid of. Even if she was still alive today, she probably would've left me two years ago...

...After she accused me of cheating.

If only she knew; if only she knew how much I truly loved her.

Somehow, for some reason, a tear managed to slip down my cheek. I lifted my mask up and quickly wiped it away.

I didn't want to feel this way anymore, I didn't want to feel the pain anymore.

I didn't want to love Anna anymore.

I needed to be at peace with the whole situation. I can't love Anna anymore.

I can miss her forever and always, but I just can't dwell upon her any longer...

...I'm here, she's not. And I just have to accept that.

I looked up briefly and smiled.

Suddenly, I'd never felt more at peace.

It was then, that I headed straight home.

I was at peace.

Once arriving there, I was greeted briefly by a cuddle-fest - brought to me by Michael and Nicola, of course - though, I just completely ignored them and headed straight to my room for a quick nap. 

And for a split second, I could've sworn I wasn't alone. 

I fell into a deep sleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow...

"Anna, I'm home," I called from the front door, slamming my suitcase down. 

"Anna?" I called once more, frantically searching the house.

I found her, upstairs in our bedroom. 

She was... Alive. 

"Oh, Ondrej, uh..." She stared at me blankly, until her eyes grew suddenly cold and dark. 

"W-what are you doing with my things?" I asked, cautiously. 

"...You're leaving, Ondrej," she said, simply, zipping up the suitcase full of my clothes. 

"Anna," I cried, "What? Why?" 

I approached her in a few simple strides, caressing her face in my hands, until she slapped them away. I backed off almost immediately. 

"We're done, Ondrej," she explained, "I know you've been talking to other girls online." 

"I'd never-" 

"Oh, yeah?" She pressed, "then explain to me who you were Skyping awhile back!" 

"I was talking to my mother," I retorted through gritted teeth, growing mad myself.

"Ondrej," she sighed, "You need to leave." 

"Anna..." I begged, to no avail. 

She handed me my things, and lead me straight for the front door. I turned to face her. 

"Can I just say one thing?" 

She nodded once. 

"Anna, you have to know - deep down - that I would never do something like this to you," I began, "You know I-" 

It was then, that she slammed the door on my face. I thought about knocking, but it was no use. 

"...You know I love you too much to do something like that..." 

Suddenly, everything went dark...

...I awoke in a cold sweat, my heart beating like mad.

"It's just a dream, Ondrej," I told myself as I headed straight for the front door. 

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