Grand Finale Part 1

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Y/N = Your Name
F/C= Favorite Color
Y/P = Your pet(s)

  Sitting in your plushy, F/C beanbag chair, you called Jordan about the date. "I'm not sure if I can come tomorrow..."

 "Why not, Y/N?"

 "I have to babysit my little brother."

 " Bethany, Cierra, and Isaac can babysit him?"

 "But, who will babysit them?" you joked.

 "Then it's settled! We'll come around five tomorrow, and Y/P can babysit my siblings." he laughed.

 "Sounds good!" you replied.

   After getting out of school the next day, you rushed to put your dress on and do your hair. You were ready right as you heard a knock on the door.

 "Coming!" you yelled as you went down the stairs as fast as you can in a dress.

 "You look beautiful!" Jordan gushed as you opened the door, making you blush.

  Just then, your brother came barrelling down the stairs. Then he stopped and froze when he saw Venturiantale. Turning to you he spoke, "Are Venturiantale really going to be my babysitters? I thought you were lying to me, Y/N!"

  That was when Isaac ran into the house. "We really are your babysitters, but you better not break the rules!" he said, pulling out a Nerf pistol.

  Next came Bethany, holding a plastic crowbar. "And you better listen to me, too!"

  Confident your brother was in good hands, you followed Jordan to his car. After you got in, you asked him something, "Will the house still be standing when we get back?"

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