Like Children

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  You pulled your bike up to the house, looking at the number to make sure that it was the right one. You walked up the steps then rung the door bell. After hearing some foot steps and shuffling around, the door opened, revealing Jordan.

"Nerf fight" you blurted out.

"Alright!" he said running up the stairs to get some Nerf gear.

After about five minutes, he came running down the stairs, arms full of Nerf guns. Motioning towards a pile of empty boxes, he said "You can use those boxes to make a fort, I'll also make one upstairs. In ten minutes we start!"

After building a pretty nice box fort, you poked the tip of the sniper you chose out a small hole in the box fort, waiting for Jordan to come. You were starting to get bored, when Bethany came barreling into the room with a two pistols. Shooting Nerf darts everywhere, she approached your fort, but you had already sniped her.

Jumping out the fort, you stabbed at her with your Nerf sword. She then shot you. "NUU, you got me!" you stated over dramatically, falling to the floor, clutching your heart. Then Bethany pretended to die from the sword wounds.

Then Jordan and Cierra, after defeating Isaac, burst through the door.

"Wait, they're already dead." Cierra said, disappointed.

"BUT NOW WE'RE ZOMBIES!" Bethany screeched getting up.

The rest of the battle was chaotic, and there was no clear winner. It was deemed to be a tie.

"Let's get some ice cream!" you suggested cheerfully.

"YEAH-EAH" Isaac yelled, hurting your ears. They all piled into the car. The car ride was extremely loud, as you'd expect.

You were almost done with your ice cream, when you looked down at it, and noticed all the gummy bears were missing. "Jordan" you said suspiciously as you raised one eyebrow looking at him.

"It wasn't me!" he manged to say through a mouthful of gummy bears.

Sighing, you went up to get more gummy bears for yourself. When you got back to the table, they were gone. You looked out the window, and saw they were having a Nerf fight in the parking lot.

They were like children, sometimes.

The picture is the box fort you built. It's actually mine! I built it at my dad's before he started packing for his move. BTW everyone, these updates have been out for awhile, I just don't get on Wattpad often. If you want sooner updates, follow me on Quotev.

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