Ummi Khateeb sat down next to her and the tribe women and children all came turn by turn to meet Zuhaiba.They were happy beyond words.They had waited for her to become the wife of Zuhaib and it finally happen.....They could never have been more happy.They thanked Allah whole heartedly for giving their leader not only a beautiful but also wise wife.

When they heard a clearing of throat they all stood up and left the tent with the exception of Umme Khateeb.When Zuhaib entered the tribe he greeted Umme Khateeb and she smiled at him.

"My son,by Allah you have married a women of great and noble character.Cherish her,love her.Hold her heart with care for it is fragile.She is strong,you are strong but together you both are stronger.The one you married before her was a shadow of her only in looks but in character she was never able to match up to hers.You both are equal to one another after all Hawah(Eve) (pbuh) was made from Adam (pbuh)'s rib to be equal.Not from the feet to be trampled.

When in difficulty don't ask anyone except your rabb for help.He is the only one who can and will definitely guide you.The ones who seek from Him will definitely get what they wish for, if not today then tomorrow.He might delay giving you but He will definitely give you.What ever you face is a test not only to your relationship but also with your faith.

When you protect one thing everything gets protected automatically.Keep and follow what I have told you and Insha'Allah you both will pass every test and move every obstacle in your relationship."

The both said Ameen and she left.Zuhaib pulled her up by her arms,so they stood eye to eye.Zuhaiba spoke.

"I feel like they are trying to point out my mistake every time.They try to tell me I ruined your life by getting you married to Aqeelah.Wallahi I would have never done it if that day......"


Zuhaiba was walking to Umme Zuhaiba's tent when she heard her other mothers talking and something breaking.

"I can not believe that Waleed took such a decision.He ruined Aqeelah's despite knowing that she loves Sheikh Zuhaib."

That was definitely Umme Azar's voice and the one who replied was Umme Yusuf.

"And why wouldn't he do that after all his first wife's daughter means more to him then his other children.I do not know what the unfortunate child has that the other children do not have.From all the childrens childhood he has loved Zuhaiba the most.He granted her everything she wished.When she wanted to go further her studies he allowed her but when my Aqeelah asked he said no and we had to ask her to ask him.

Even now when I told him to tell them Sheikh Zuhaib would marry my Aqeelah he took her name.I hate her with all my heart.She has always taken something or the other away from my children and today she took her love away.I will never be able to forgive her,never."

Zuhaiba was in tears and she turned running to her tent and flung herself on the bed.When her tears dried up she knew what she had to do.She hoped Zuhaib would forgive her but she had to do this no matter what.Her heart pained as she pushed her feelings back.


Zuhaib hugged her to his chest as she cried out her heart.He knew that whatever Zuhaiba ever did always had a reason behind it even then he hadn't been able to hate her because he knew she had a reason.He pulled her away from him and made her sit down while he sat on his hunches.

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her tears away before looking her in the eye.

"Zuhaiba no matter what anyone says I never hated you then nor do I now.Wallahi I knew in my heart that you would have a reason to marry me off to Aqeelah.Ignore them they are just trying to make you think you did a mistake but as long as it was right in your eyes forget about them.Now smile."

She gave a light smile and he shook his head before tickling her and when she started laughing full force he left her.

"Now that's my Zuhaiba."

She hugged him and they heard someone outside the tent.Zuhaib spoke.

"What is the matter?"

"it is time for eating.Please come Sheikh."

"Ok we on our way."

The person left and Zuhaib pulled her up.He helped her make her scarf right before they left to go to the dasterkhaana.


Binte Waleed: daughter of Waleed.

Dasterkhaana:A place where you are served food.There is a mat sat with plates,glasses,drinks and food.

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