Chapter 2: The Favour

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Chapter 2

"Robert's got a quick hand. He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan.

He's got a rolled cigarette hanging out his mouth.

He's a cowboy kid.

Yeah! He found a six-shooter gun in his dad's closet, With the box of fun things.

I don't even know what, but he's coming for you.

Yeah, He's coming for you! All the other kids with the pumped up kicks

You better run, better run, and outrun my gun.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, You better run, better run, faster than my bullet."

Only two more days of summer remained until the tiring and stressful year of being a senior began. I was lying on my bed applying a new coat of nail polish, and singing along to Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People. Basically how I spent my whole summer.

"Lexi" I heard my mom call.

I took my headphones out my ear and answered "Yeah mom"

"LEXI!" I heard her scream

"YEAH" I screamed back

I swear sometimes she pretends not to hear me, forcing me to go down the stairs. I finally gave up and walked down the stairs to my mom.

"Get me the mail please"

"Okay" I sighed.

My friends spend their summer traveling the world, meanwhile I'm stuck at home isolated and doing chores. I grabbed the mail box keys and headed outside. As I made it outside I was instantly hit by a wave of heat since it was mid-August. I was going through the flyers in the mail when I heard a car door shut. I turned around to see the long and straightened hair brunette with tanned skin running towards me.

"Lex! I missed you so much!" she cried as she hugged me tightly.

"Kayla" I smiled "I thought you weren't coming back till mid-September?"

"Well... change of plans" she said

"So bestie what are you doing here?" I asked her

"Can I not visit my best friend?" she said laughing

"No, it's just im still so surprised!" I smirked "Come on, let's head on inside, my mom was asking about you."

"Yeah sure"

"Oh and you can't forget, you have to tell me everything that happened on this vacation of yours?" I added in as we walked into the kitchen.

"MOM!" I cried

"Yeah, what took you so long?" I heard her cry from the kitchen

"Well I got distracted" I said signaling for Kayla to come in the kitchen I watched as her eyes widened

"Kayla! Hun, how have you been?"

"Great, yourself?" she asked her

"Great!" she screamed Mom was full of excitement.

Kayla had always been her dream daughter, her favourite. But I didn't mind it because I didn't blame her, Kayla was outstanding in everything and always set the bar higher than I could reach. In comparison to Kayla I was practically a disappointment.

"Well anyways, Lexi and I are going to head upstairs for some girl talk" Kayla says with a smile

"Oh well okay if you need anything let me know hun" my mom added in as we ran out the kitchen and up the stairs.

As we got to my room she quickly shut the door. "So how was your vaca---" I began to ask her

"Lexi, I need a huge favour..." Kayla begged "And you might not want to do this but just please consider it... it's my future"

Never have I seen Kayla in this state.

"Let it out...." I say trying to comfort her by tapping her on the back

"You know that writing school that I have dreamt to get into my whole life?"

"Yes" I answered already feeling the pressure of this favour

"Well the acceptance has 3 steps... One of them is to write an article that could possibly be published and could get you a great position for you in a magazine company. Considering the fact they read thousands of applications, I need to make mine stand out and breath taking"

"Ok so where do I come in? "I asked

"Well its quite simple... I have been thinking of article ideas for weeks now"

"Oh that's cool, have you decided what topic?"

"Yeah, I've thought about it a lot and it will be named the love article. Perfect revenge for the bad boy Jake Fields"

"I'm still a little confused...where do I come in?" I questioned her

"I need a girl to get Jake Fields to fall in love with. I thought about it a lot only to come to the final decision that you will be that girl" she rushed out.

I was shocked.



AN: Hey!

So what do you guys think so far? Would any of you guys do this favor for your best friend? leave your answer in the comment space below... Will update soon... Fan, Comment, Vote :) AND btw im going to try to make the next chapter longer, this was three pages on word only about a page on wattpad :(

Also I do not take credit for the song in the first paragraph of my story all rights reserved to pumped up kicks by Forster the people!

Love, Writer311

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