"Seriously?" Kylie asked.

Khloe nodded to her sister.

"Okay. Shoot." Kylie prepared her mind for anything she could think of. Probably anything except what she asked.

"Have you noticed a change in Kendall?" She asked nervously. Kylie was alarmed.

"No not at all." She laughed. "Its crazy! Kendall is Kendall!" Khloe nodded.

"I'm mistaken then." She shrugged. Still not totally convinced. "I just.. never mind."

"Come on Khlo! You haven't seen her for so long that you just assume she changed!" Kylie suggested carefully. Putting her best acting out there.


The family got inside Kris' house all smiling. It had been a great opportunity for every single of them to enjoy their day as a family together.

"Oh Kendall!!!" Cait called her daughter.

"Yes?" She answered politely. Still not completely used to her dad's transition.

"I think it'd be cool if you saw Rob. He must have missed you." Kendall nodded her head.

"Where to Missy?" Kourtney asked when Kendall was halfway up the stairs.

"To see Rob!" She yelled making her sister giggle. They all walked inside to enjoy the rest of their day off together.

Kendall nervously waited outside his door. She took a final deep breath and knocked the door three times. A few seconds passed but there was no answer. She knocked again, biting her lip and opened the door.

"Hey Rob." Rob turned his head toward her. He was sitting up on his bed.

He had gained a lot of weight. His room looked messed up and it was clear he lost most of his hair.

"How are you Robby?" Kendall sat down beside her brother.

"As you see." He calmly replied. Making his sister smile. "Not much different than always."

"I missed you so much dork!" Kendall used the old nickname. It usually would make him laugh. He now just nodded. Kendall hugged her brother tightly.

They pulled away. "I'll see you around." Rob told Kendall. Hinting her to leave. She was taken aback.

"Okay." She nodded. Her heart breaking into pieces at the sight of her brother. She loved him regardless. But seeing him that way, tore her apart. Made her sick and sad.

Kendall got up and kissed him on his cheek before muttering an 'I love you.' She left the room and walked back downstairs. Taking a seat next to Kanye.

"You okay?" He asked sensing something was wrong.

"I'm all fine. Thanks." She smiled.


"I..  Need to.. Rest a bit." Kendall said out of breath. Kylie nodded her head agreeing. They had been running around with kids all day.

"Let's play a little more auntie Kendall!" North whined. Kendall shook her head.

"You go play.... I really gotta rest." Kendall replied. "I swear even boxing doesn't tire me out like this!"

"We all know where your energy goes there days." Kylie whispered with a mischievous grin.

"Shut up and go play." Kendall gently pushed Kylie in annoyance but she couldn't hide the blush that made its way to her cheeks.

"I'm a wreck don't even bother to ask me." Kylie protested.

The Jenner sisters made their way to the great room where everyone was.

"You guys tired?" Kim asked after she glanced at them.

"Hell yeah." They said in union, laughing afterwards. Kendall sat down on the chair and grabbed her phone. She had four missed calls from Cara. She smiled and stood up.

"Going to see Rob again?" Scott asked. Kendall frowned.

"No." She walked out to call her.

Khloe also got up after she left. "I gotta get some wine." She informed everyone.

"Bring me some too!" Scott whined. She nodded her head. "Anyone else?"


Kendall called Cara after she closed the door of the room behind her. She was downstairs. Too tired to go upstairs.

- Hey princess!
Cara's British accent came through her phone. She blushed. It was the first time she blushed behind a phone,

- Hey!

- Missed me?

- Hell yeah. Like hell.

- I get that a lot.
She giggled

- I called you earlier but you didn't pick up.

- Yeah I was playing with kids.

- Aww that's sweet! I would love to see you with children!

- Thanks.
Kendall blushed again.

- So. I called you.
She cleared her throat.

- Because. *cough* I wanted to see if you would have dinner with me tonight. I mean you don't have to! I can't even cook we'll go out but again we'll be together.

Kendall grinned at Cara's rambling. She was all too nervous she was taking deep breaths. Kendall giggled

- Yes I would love that.
Cara sighed in happiness.

- This is our first official date.
Cara mused.

- Yeah... I just love all this. I love spending time with you.
Kendal spoke. Smile never leaving her lips.

- Well.. Are you sure you mom won't make you stay? You're such a mama's girl!
Cara teased playfully.

- I'll work on that baby. Can't wait.

- Me neither. I'll see you tonight.

- See ya.

Kendall hung up the phone. Just then Khloe jumped inside with bottles of wine in her one hand.

"Kendall what the fuck is going on?" She closed the door. Kendall was startled.

Her sister was actually listening in. That angered her but she knew in this Case Khloe had the power.

"Tell me everything Kendall. What's going on?"

Cake Recipe! ( Cara and Kendall ) Lesbian storiesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin