Chapter 5

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Sungjae and Namjoo talked to each other. But not that much anymore. After they told their apologies, they barely spoke anymore.

Or maybe that was what Namjoo thought since she was.. avoiding her feelings? She shook her head.

Feelings?! She scoffed. I'm better than this. I don't have that thing in movies.. Right?

She sighed, she was rejecting. Her feelings. Again. She knew that she had a.. Crush (?) On Sungjae.

She looked at the clock, 11:59. She widened her eyes, i-i thought it was just about 10! She quickly got her blankets and laid down with her eyes closed tightly.


Namjoo woke up late, as usual. It was just about 6:30. She nods, that's okay. She mumbled. She quickly go to her school, running late. Well, she knew that she would be late anyways.

She arrived at 7:18. She walked silently through the halls before she heard laughter. She turned around and saw her bullies. She sighed.

"Yah! Namjoo, why are you so fat?"

"Eww, you're sweating."

"Is this trash in front of me?"

Though Namjoo was gonna ask why they weren't in there periods, she decided not to. Waste of time.

She turned around and just plainly ignored them. But she was slightly scared. slightly.

As she went to her first period, she saw Sungjae and Joy. Sungjae was smiling at Joy and Joy was doing the same.

I don't feel well. She thought, she ran to the infirmary and saw that there wasn't a nurse. She decided to sleep for a while.


Namjoo woke up at Lunch. The nurse who just came, saw her and told her that she should be eating. She silently nodded and got her purse but told the nurse that she was coming back.

As she went outside, she immediately bumped into someone. "I-i'm sorry." She said, looking down.

The boy eventually pushed her. What the fudge. She thought. It was just a bump.

"You think you're tough?" Namjoo looked at him and kneeded him. "I may not be tough but I could report you to the principal. She said, the boy grabbed her by her hair and called the other boys that were probably just two.

But before they could do anything worse, Sungjae came. "Yah!" He punched the boy that Namjoo bumped into.

Kyungsoo saw as well and helped Sungjae. Namjoo. Well, she helped as well. After that, Sungjae went near to her and said. "Be careful next time." Before smiling and putting an arm around her. Kyungsoo went to her side.

Kyungsoo was one of Sungjae's friends. Well, one of his more nicer than the other friends.

Many girls looked at Namjoo with pure hatred and jealousy. Namjoo just decided to look down until Sungjae told her to eat with them. Surprisingly, it was just them both. Usually, Sungjae would be having five or six.

As they started to eat, Sungjae pointed at something. Which made Namjoo and Kyungsoo look at. as they looked back to their food, it was only half by now. They looked at Sungjae's plate and it had some of Namjoo and Kyungsoo's lunch.

Kyungsoo being his self, decided to get more of Sungjae's, which made into some little food fight for them.

As Namjoo was going back to the infirmary, Kyungsoo and Sungjae joined with her and as they say goodbye and leave. Namjoo looked at Sungjae's back, slowly but shakily whispering.

"I'll tell him my feelings, when we're in highschool. grade.. 12."



Short update, I'm sorry. Hahaha. Okay, so basically they're in junior high. Should I make it college or something? Or just go and make it highschool- hahahaha. I don't know, you tell me.

And oh my gosshhhhh, thank you for the votes and reads~!! And to people who added this to their library. This book is dedicated to chuuu~

Hahahaha, I've been busy and all. Had run out of ideas as well, I'm glad that some likes this though. ^~^ this makes my tiredness go away.

Anyways, Bye Bye~!! Annyeong~!! ♡

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