Wait, What?!

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Alvin came home limping that night. After the incident with Marcus, the nurse said he had to go to the hospital. Unfortunately, Dave was at work and his brothers had to stay in school. Or, he just didn't want to tell them what happened. Not that they would've believed him anyway. Why does Marcus hate me? We just met...what did I ever do to him? Alvin sighed as he got to his front door. But, before he could open the door, he heard laughing. Jumping onto the window sill, he looked inside. There, on the couch, next to Simon was.... "Marcus..." Alvin muttered, totally shocked and scared. What if he went in there and he started torturing him again? One good thing would come out of it, though. Simon would finally see that he was right about Marcus and apologize. Alvin could feel his heartbeat quicken as he turned the handle, slowly opening the door. When he closed it behind him, he saw Marcus and Simon looking at him. "Hey, Al. You're home late. What happened?" Alvin fiddled with his paws. "Well, um..." He looked at Marcus, who was pounding his fist into his palm of his other hand, shaking his head, signaling him to stop. Alvin gulped a little. "Nothing....." His gaze dropped to the floor, Simon obviously noticing. "Are you sure?" Alvin just nodded and headed upstairs quietly. Even though he couldn't see it, he felt Marcus smirking, knowing he had won. How was he ever going to get of this if Marcus would probably kill him if he ever squeaked? Alvin sighed. This was getting too much for his mind to take in. Soon enough, Marcus would go home and everything would be fine.

"Fellas, dinner!" Dave called from the kitchen an hour later. Theodore raced to the kitchen, nearly knocking Alvin over. "Hey, Theo! Watch where you're going!" Theodore peaked his head around the corner of the kitchen with his cheeks stuffed with bread. "Sorry..." He gulped, swallowing everything. "....Alvin." Alvin just chuckled and pat his brother on the shoulder as he walked by. "No worries, Theo." Theodore smiled and hugged Alvin quickly, before running off to the food again. Sitting down, Alvin saw Simon and smiled at him, which made Simon return the gesture. "So, fellas...I have some news..." Dave stated as he put the chicken down. "What is it, Dave?" Alvin asked, looking straight at the chicken. "We are getting a new back-up guitarist. He is really talented, and you guys already know him." Alvin saw Simon smiling big. He obviously already knew who the person was. "Who is it, Dave?" Theodore asked excitedly. He was practically jumping up and down in his seat. Alvin just chuckled and rolled his eyes. Theodore was full of energy when it came to good news, or food. Most of the time, it was food, of course. "Well," Dave started, folding his hands together, looking at his sons. "His name is Marcus." Alvin froze. It couldn't be the same Marcus who gave him a limp 8 hours ago could it? "Dave?" Alvin asked shakily. "Yes?" He looked at his son. Alvin gulped quietly again. "What's....his last name?" Dave smiled. "Smith." As he heard that name, Alvin's eyes rolled in the back of his head, and he fell off his chair, passed out.

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