3. The Burning Stone

Start from the beginning

"Ex...Excuse me?" I said apprehensively.

"Haven't you tasted them? They are pretty tasty," he said.

He sounded very much like it was not the first time he was meeting me. His maroon shirt especially grabbed my attention which had-I am so cool-encrypted in white.

"I know that, actually. Thanks anyway!" I said, not quite sure how to respond.

I tried to walk away to other counter but he startled me again.

"Hayden Mackay!" He called me out, by my name! "You don't have to walk away from me."

"Sorry?" I said, frowning turning half way around.

"You know I have been following you. Don't you want to ask me why?"

I stared at him for a moment. He smiled at me. His eyes had this mischievous sparkle that it actually worried me.

"I have to go, I...I am sorry" I said and I walked away to the counter and not once looking back.

Later that night, my aunt called me for dinner. I was so immersed in thinking that I didn't even realize it was supper time. I looked down at the menu-my aunt made all my favorites. It even tasted just like my mother's which was troubling me to have them. The other side of my mind I wasn't able to forget about the boy I met in the mart-tawny light skinned, tall as much as I was and probably the same age. I was pretty sure I didn't notice him following me since then. He definitely looked no threat but I was unsure of making conversations with him.

"Is everything okay?" asked my aunt serving me some creamy garlic mashed potatoes.

"What...oh...yes," I said, coming back to present, "Everything's great."

"Then why aren't you eating?"

I looked down my plate and I hadn't even touched the food. My grandmother who was sitting beside me put her hand on my shoulder and said, "You should try and get over things, child. Life is tough you have to start..."

"I am fine!" I said quickly unable to hear all those emotional jibber-jabbers anymore, "I am actually full. I ate something in the mart. I am not hungry."

On the other side sitting was Uncle Ryan who finished his meal and went to the living room without a word.

I pushed my plate and said, "I am going to bed. Good night."

I knew my aunt's worrying eyes were upon me but I couldn't face them. I dashed off to my room, the only place in the whole world I found a pinch of peace.

As usual I took out of diary from my drawer and began writing. For a while I scribbled every incident expect about the boy. Unknowingly I stopped writing. I wondered if he was still looking out for me. I curiously looked outside my window. Not much to my surprise, he was standing there, pressed against the fence. My heart hammered beneath my chest when he waved at me. The sky thundered and I closed the window in frustration and concentrated on writing but in vain.

What the hell is his problem?

I finally made up my mind to talk to him and deal with the matter once and for all. I wanted to know if he was stalking me or wanted anything out of me. So I dashed outside my room and walked out of the house, ignoring my aunt's call.

As he watched me approaching towards him, he stood straight and put his hand inside his pocket. I stood against him. Even though it was dark outside, I was clearly able to see the spark in his eyes.

"Hello buddy," he said smirking.

I did not return the smile.

"Okay, here I am," I said, "Why are you following me? I don't think we have ever met before."

"Of course we didn't," he said shrugging, "No one of us did, trust me."

"You do realize you are asking me trust an unknown person, don't you?" I said.

He laughed and gave a hard pat on my shoulders, "My boy's funny," he said.

He really hit me hard. I was patient. I just rubbed my shoulders to let the pain subdue. I didn't understand what was funny in the statement I gave.

The thundering and lightening suddenly stopped. The sky turned clearer.

"You were good there, in the bar," he said adjusting his cap, "By the way what beer were you drinking?"

"I hope you are not here to ask me about that," I said irritated.

"Hey I was just trying to make a friendly conversation," he said, "but never mind. Let me introduce myselves. I am Tyrell. Tyrell Kissler."

"Okay, how can I help you?" I asked feeling impatient, "Mr. Kissler"

"Oh no," he said shaking his head, "I came to help you. Sorry about your parents though."

I gaped.

"How do you know?" I asked, sounding both irritated and curious at the same time, "I have never seen you in my locality before."

"Don't worry about that," he said, "I was asked to tell you something and here it goes. You might not know but you are carrying a stone in your pocket."

"I am carrying a what?"

"A stone, gemstone."

"What rubbish? Of course I don't."

He stared at me incredulously as I checked my pockets. I was pretty much sure I had nothing in there but my heart skipped a beat when I felt a thing. I took it out apprehensively. It was a red blazing oval shaped stone burning slightly over my palm.

"What the....what is this?" I asked completely astonished, "Where did it come from?"

"I knew you were going to say that," said Tyrell excitingly, "Congratulations! You are the owner of a Cornelian."

(Book 1) Hayden Mackay & The Forgotten KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now