“I guess not. You know what? How about I give you time to cool down. I am going to Immy’s” I said grabbing my stuff and heading out the door.

“Have fun with Andrew!” He yelled after me.

“Ugh!” I screamed and slammed the door.

I punched in Immy’s number and called her. She answered on the third ring.


“Immy. Can you come get me?” I asked desperately.

“Yeah sure sweetie, be right there.” She said hanging up the phone.

Immy lives across town so I will be out here for a few minutes.

I watched on the steps as the snow flakes started to cascade to the floor. I pulled my sweater up to my mouth so that I could stay warm. I noticed that the material on this sweater felt weird. Unfamiliar.

I looked down at my sweater, and I noticed that it wasn’t my sweater. I still had Andrew’s sweater on. I can’t believe I never took it off. What was I thinking. That is why Ronny was mad. I started to get up and go in side when I heard Immy’s familiar car.

I turned around and saw her face. When she got out of the car and saw me almost going inside she ran to me.

“Oh no you don’t” She said to me. Grabbing my hand and pulling me to her car.

“I have to go apologize to him.” I told her while being forced into the car.

“I know for a fact that it isn’t your fault that he is mad. Now, stay!” She said slamming my door. She ran to the other side, and when she got in she locked my door. I can’t believe that she is being so controlling over me.

She skidded away from the curb and she cut off a car, the car honked at her and she flipped him off.

“I think that was your fault.” I said, holding onto my seat belt.

“No. I had total right away.” She said looking at me and smiling deviously. She punched on the gas, and speeded through lights when they turned yellow. I forgot how crazy she was. We haven’t hung out in forever. And now I see why.

I grabbed onto whatever I can find so I wouldn’t fly out of the car.

She looked at me and laughed.

“Stop being so dramatic.” She told me.

“Oh please. I am seriously scared that I might lose my life.” I breathed out.

“I am the best driver ever!” She screamed at me. She was staring at me, not even looking at the road.

“Pay attention to the road!” I yelled at her.

“Not till you say that I am the best driver.” She said calmly.

“Okay! Okay! You are the best driver!” I yelled at her, closing my eyes.

“That’s right.” She turned her focus back the road. I am never going to drive with this women again. When we got to her apartment she drifted into a parking space. I screamed like a girl while we skidded on the black asphalt.

I climbed out of the car and kissed the floor.

“Thank you God!”

“Drama queen.” Immy scoffed.

I wearily followed her into her building. When we got inside I sat down on the couch. Leaning my head back and closing my eyes. I am so exhausted of everything. I need to stop running and face everything in my life.

I heard glasses clinking around in her kitchen but I didn’t want to open my eyes to see what she was up to.

“It is officially happy hour!” She screamed with excitement.

I opened my eyes, to Immy holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

“Oh no.” I told her.

“To bad. Now shut up and guzzle down.” She ordered, while handing me a glass and filling it up. I did as she told because I was honestly afraid of this women.

I haven’t drank in awhile so after the first glass my brain and stomach were swimming in bubbles.

“Okay.” She said setting down the bottle. “Tell me.”

I showed her my glass, and she sighed. But poured me another glass. I told her the whole story about Andrew, and how Ronny said that Andrew was in love with me. Then I told her how Ronny was acting this morning. And my realizations about Andrew.

“So what are you going to do?” She asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“You obviously need to choose.”

“Between what?”

“Andrew and Ronny.” She said in her best “duh” voice.

“I can’t choose between them. Andrew is like my best friend. And Ronny is my future.”

“But you don’t understand Anthony. Andrew is in love with you. And Ronny is just in love with the idea of you.”

“Why does everyone keep saying that Andrew loves me?!” I yelled jumping up off of the couch. I stared down at her. I heard the door open but I didn’t want to look. It was probably her room mate.

“Guess who brought sna--” I turned around to see a surprised Andrew. He stopped mid-sentence when he saw how Immy and I were staring at each other. I straightened up and looked at him.

“Am I interrupting something?” He asked confusion crossing his face.

“No.” We both said.

“Okay good. Because I brought snacks. Your lucky Anthony that I thought of you. Because I brought you stuff as well.” He said smiling at me.

I was shocked. He does think about me.

“Uh.” I stammered. But couldn’t form complete words.

Immy looked at me when I gave her a desperate look.

“Let’s watch a movie!” She said jumping up off of the couch and running to her DVD player.


VOTE and COMMENT you guys!!!

Seriously. I will jump you..

I have a rolling pin and i am not afraid to use it.

Okay i dont have a rolling pin.. I have a cheese grader..

Okay i just have nail clippers.. But seriously.. I will use them on you if you don't vote or comment!!<3


How far? [BoyxBoy] [Book I]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora