Calvin turned toward Erica. “Lower your gun, Erica.”

Erica gave him a look that suggested he was crazy. “Excuse me? What if he attacks?”

“Do I look like I’m carrying any weapons?” Ryan said. His voice should have come out demanding and maybe mean, but it came out scared and weak. Erica glared at Ryan and he shut up.

“Ryan was here first,” Calvin told Erica. “We are intruding, so we shouldn’t be the ones threatening him.”

Erica didn’t like it but she slowly lowered her gun, glaring at Ryan still.

Ryan, relieved now, lowered his hands to his side. “Thank you, so much.”

Ryan’s eyes fell down to me. “You have a kid.”

Apple was the first to respond, sounding protective as she said, “Yes. But she’s smart, and strong.”

Ryan lifted his hands again, but his eyes didn’t leave mine. “Hey, I’m not going to do anything to your smart, strong kid.”

He finally broke eye contact from me and looked at Apple. “I have two kids of my own.”

“Two?” Calvin sounded shocked.

Ryan nodded.

“Like,” Calvin sounded like his awkward self again, “here? With you? Or….”

“Here,” Ryan said. He turned behind him and called, “Brooklyn, Carson. Come on out.”

A door opened slowly and a boy came out. He was tan with dark hair and brown eyes. A girl who was smaller than him followed him, hiding behind him shyly. She had such light hair it looked white and pale blue eyes and pale skin.

Ryan gestured to the girl and said, “This is Brooklyn. She’s seven.” Ryan gestured to the boy next and said, “This is Brooklyn’s brother, Carson. He’s eleven.”

I was amazed to meet other kids near my age every since Duck. My eyes kept darting between them, observing them. They didn’t seem to feel the same way as me, though. They avoided eye contact with me and only looked at Ryan or Calvin.

“It’s nice to meet you three,” Calvin said in a polite voice. “This is Alexandra, Erica, Clementine, and I am Calvin.”

Ryan looked down at the two kids and waited for them to say something, but they didn’t. Ryan awkwardly nodded and then turned to Calvin. “They’re shy….”

“So I can see.”

“When’s the last time the kids ate?” Erica said suddenly. Her eyes looked judgmental and harsh as she looked at how skinny the two kids were and then back at Ryan.

“Oh, jeeze, er,” Ryan stuttered as he looked at the kids, trying to think. “I don’t know, a couple days?”

Apple was the next to speak, and she didn’t sound very friendly. “What they hell do you mean, ‘a couple days?’ When have you last ate?”

“I—er, well,” Ryan stuttered some more and wouldn’t make eye contact with either Erica or Apple.

“Let’s get the kids some food. We have enough to spare,” Erica said, eyeing the children. She glared at Ryan when she said her next words, which came out harsh and threatening. “But I swear, you need to start feeding these kids. Or you’ll be dealing with me.”

Ryan didn’t protest. He nervously nodded and said, “Yeah! Yeah, no p-problem…..”

A few minutes later everyone had some type of food and was eating silently as we sat down. I had an apple with beef jerky—apple said it was nice to have meat and something healthy, though she wasn’t sure if beef jerky really counted. I didn’t mind. I was hungry, so I ate it.

“Who’s the mother?” Apple asked Ryan.

Ryan looked over at the children who silently shared each others food and whispered to each other. “She’s dead.”

“I didn’t ask where she was, I asked who she was,” Apple snapped.

Ryan bit into his food before saying, “Does it matter?”

Apple was getting annoyed with Ryan, but I wasn’t sure if I was the only one who noticed. “Why aren’t you giving us real answers to anything?”

“I didn’t realize we were an actual group, who had to tell each other everything,” Ryan said. Ryan sounded like he was getting braver with Apple. I wasn’t sure if that was good or not. Erica glared at him and he shyed back a bit.

“We gave you and your kids a meal,” Erica snapped.

Ryan awkwardly sat there for a minute before looking at Calvin and asking him, “Are these two always this hostile?”

“Normally it’s only with each other, but this time they seem to agree on something,” Calvin told Ryan.

“Which is?” Ryan asked.

“You can’t seem to stop fucking up. They don’t like that much.”


SPOILER ALERT: I understand Kenny ended up living in the second season, however this is a fan fiction based on the first season. So shush.

NO MORE SPOILERS:Alright, so this was a relativly short chapter that took a relativly long time to write and post. I'm sorry, I've been really busy lately, dealing with a bunch of dumb bullshit and a project I'm working on. Guess what the dumb bullshit is? Drama with friends, which I don't deal with. I don't. If you gonna bring drama and stress into my life, you better have a damn good reason, and in this case, this person didn't. So yeah.

But guess what the project is? :DD I'm excited for it. I'm making my first amature movie. It's not going to be a real movie, like to where you can buy it and stuff, but I'm going to be posting it on YouTube and it's going to have voice actors and everything. I've been working on the script, which is why I took so long to upload this chapter. I finished the script and I'm just waiting to raise enough money to start filming. Ah! I'm so excited!

Okay, now back to talking about Fruity. If some of you are wondering how Ryan fucked up, because I know, I suck at writing and you probably couldn't catch them, here they are:

“Do I look like I’m carrying any weapons?” Ryan said. Strike one.

“Oh, jeeze, er,” Ryan stuttered as he looked at the kids, trying to think. “I don’t know, a couple days?” Strike one and a half.

“I—er, well,” Ryan stuttered some more and wouldn’t make eye contact with either Erica or Apple. Strike two.

“I didn’t realize we were an actual group, who had to tell each other everything,” Ryan said. Ryan sounded like he was getting braver with Apple. I wasn’t sure if that was good or not. Erica glared at him and he shyed back a bit. Strike three.

You're out, buddy.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to speak up.



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