Chapter Four

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Erica returned a couple hours later all patched up and with some medical supplies. It wasn’t much, just some bandages and pain pills. She stuffed it in a green bag that they told me was their medicine bag. They had three bags; the green one for medicine, a dirty white one that was for weapons and ammunition, and a dark blue one for food and water.

Calvin and Apple explained to Erica what the plan was—to go and find my group (who I knew was only Christa)—and she just nodded and said, “If it’s what the kid wants.”

We decided to take all the supplies (there wasn’t much, only the three bags) and circle the perimeter of Crawford so that we could make sure she wasn’t just waiting around.

Apple, Erica and I were standing outside of the underground shelter waiting for Calvin to finish up. He was going over every corner of the room, making sure we didn’t forget anything. He left all the candles, hoping that we might actually return to the shelter someday, but for now I guess we were taking a long vacation from it. I didn’t understand why they thought it would take so long to find my group, but I didn’t object either. No need to give them reason to not want to help me….

“Is that loaded?” Erica asked me, referring to the gun I was holding. It was the gun I had pulled off of the security guard back in the city when Lee and I were trapped. I shook my head.

Erica was holding the weapons bag, and unzipped it to pull out some ammo. She handed it to me. “Here, this will hold you over for a while.”

I took it, knowing I probably wouldn’t use it unless I absolutely needed to. I was going to do what Lee said, to shoot as little as possibly. I smiled at Erica and said thank you anyway.

Calvin came out of the shelter and closed the door. Apple began to throw some dead grass and leaves over it as Calvin dusted off his clothes. “We got it all. Let’s just hope no one takes this while we are gone….”

We began to walk and I asked Calvin, “Can’t you just build another one?”

He didn’t look at me, just kept walking as he sighed. “I could, but it would take a while. And I’m not sure I want to keep building a shelter everywhere we go.”

I nodded, looking ahead. “It’s not a good idea to stick in one place. We should always keep moving.”

Apple smiled. “You are smart.”

I shyly smiled and told her it was just some advice an old friend gave me.

We walked in silence for a while. Crawford wasn’t that far, so it only took fifteen minutes. When we got there though, Apple told everyone to stay on guard and to be quiet. We began to circle around it, trying to keep attention from us.

“Should we split up? Will that make it go faster?” Erica asked.

Apple and Calvin were thinking about it, but I answered before they could; “It’s not a good idea…. There are a lot of walkers around….”

“Walkers?” Calvin asked.

I nodded and continued walking.

“That’s a cute name for zombies,” Apple commented.

Zombies? I hadn’t thought of that....

We kept moving, together.

It took hours to get around the perimeter. Erica said that it would have taken three of four hours just walking normally, but because we had to be careful it took longer.

And we didn't find Christa.

After we circled Crawford Apple mentioned that she was getting hungry and Erica led us to a neighborhood near by. The houses were small and abandoned with no sign of walkers. Apple found some tools to help us get inside of a small one story house off the side of Crawford. As we quietly piled in, Apple ran around the house quickly to make sure it was secure.

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