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|| the two magis ||

{ 3rd }

"So Ka Koubun, it was you all along..?"

Kouseki had the dark look on her face, staring straight at his soul. The man yelled, not wanting everything to end here as he took out his sword.

Kougyoku gasped at his sudden charge, as Hakuryuu chopped the sword out of his hands, while Kouseki swiftly got her metal vessel out and wrapped him in chain.

"I had enough of your foolishness, Ka Koubun." Kouseki hissed, along Hakuryuu agreeing. "I think we all had enough of this farce."

"This uproar was caused by the en in our country." Kouseki stood beside Hakuryuu, their hands going together as they knelt and apologized.

"We are sorry for my mens actions."

"H-Hime! Ouji! Place don't bow down!" Many screamed out to the two which bowed down to the king in front of them as a sincere apology.

"What?!" Ka Koubun screamed out, the two glaring at the man. "That's enough. All of this is true, isn't it?" 

"Um- yes." He sighed in defeat. "Still, I have things I wish to do as to studying in Sindria. Will you still grant us permission to stay?"

"Permission granted." Sinbad smiled gleefully at the two as they returned the smile and stood up.

On the ship, a young girl was there. Teal hair which bangs covered her eyes, one side of her hair while the other remained, all in a tight pony tail.

She watched from the ship as everything unfolded before her. A certain male intriguing her interests in.

"So then please make it to the palace with us." Zerina finally sighed in relief. Ka Koubun was hugging Kougyoku while fake crying.

Yet both Zerina and Ja'far saw the evil looked in his eyes. 'Damned bastard, using Kougyoku...'  Ja'far Ka Koubun a dark look before spitting at his face. 

Zerina cheered from her spot. "Well done Assassin-kun!" Jumping glee as Ja'far calmly chuckled at the girl.


"You've all been working really hard- Oh my gosh! Is that your household vessel?! It's pretty!" Zerina awed at the new ornaments which Morgiana had gotten.

"Excuse me," Hakuryuu interrupted their heartwarming scene. "At Sinbad-dono's command, I have been searching for the four of you."

"I'm just his chaperone." Kougyoku once again hid half her face behind her sleeves. "I am just the bodyguard ordered to keep them safe."

The teal haired girl bowed to them all, as they all stood up. "Sinbad told you to come to us..?" Alibaba questioned.

"Yes, he told me to spend some time and learn from all of you." He shot them a smile. "I look forward to all working with you starting today."

"Kougyoku," Zerina called out to the princess. "Where's Kouseki?" Kougyoku hid more behind her sleeves, her cheeks slightly pink. "Talking to Sinbad-sama..."

Zerina looked at her for a few moments before giggling at how adorable she was, that was soon cut off by their bickering.

"Excuse me onee-san," Aladdin called out to the teal girl. "Can I get your name? I didn't see you earlier."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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