VIII | "Accidental"

Start from the beginning

"I-I'm sorry for intruding, I just wanted to check how you were all doing."

Sasuke obediently sat on the couch, contuining to observe her as she made the effort to put a blanket on Kakashi and Yamato, then proceeding to tend to him.

"Hinata... did I uh, do something last night?"

She looked up in surprise with red-tinted cheeks, forgetting that she was applying some chest rub on him due to hearing him call out her name. Never has she heard him utter 'Hinata' and for some reason, recalling it made her heart beat faster. But upon realizing his question, she also recalled the events of last night, and the surprisingly gentle and warm kiss that they shared, though seemingly one-sided to her.

"Ah y-you were just incredibly drunk was all." Sasuke noticed her face redden at the response and thought maybe he had indeed done something last night. Something horrible? Something... intimate?

He wasn't entirely sure about everything that took place in the previous night but considered that, if it was something she couldn't talk about, who was he to press on?

After the short and awkward conversation, they both fell silent as Hinata continued to apply the chest rub on him. She was still unaware of his feelings, and since the past couple days, she wasn't sure she knew her own feelings well anymore either.

A low growl caught both of their attention as Kakashi woke up, surprised to see Hinata here so early and oddly enough, to see her nursing Sasuke.

The silver-haired male pulled up his mask just to be sure and smirked from underneath, scooting closer to Yamato and pretending to fall back asleep.

Sasuke clenched his fists, staring straight at Kakashi. Why can't we be completely alone for once...

Hinata finished up applying the chest rub and offered Sasuke a shirt that seemed to be his. "It'll get too cold if you don't wear a shirt," she pointed to the air conditioner.

Sasuke merely nodded and put on the shirt, then patted the spot next to him, urging Hinata.

She didn't know why but her heart suddenly raced as she glanced at him. What's wrong with me? It's only Sasuke-san...

The raven-haired male tilted his head in confusion as Hinata stared at him in an awe-struck manner. Could it be that she's now the one with the fever?

Sasuke poked her forehead playfully, smirking as he patted the spot beside him again. "Hime, you alright?"

She could feel her face heat up even more. As a child, fellow Hyūga have adressed her with the honourific. But suddenly, the term sounded so sweet.

"S-Sasuke-san, ano... I forgot that I had to go tend to Ino-san earlier, I'll be taking my leave instead. Please get some rest."

She got up to leave, dashing out of the open door without glancing back. Her face was truly red and her heartbeat remained irregular. She wondered if it was some sort of illness, only refusing to admit that it could be something else. Something worse than just a fever.

What was wrong with her? She'd never felt this way before. Not since her heart belonged to him. The one that got away. She hated thinking about it, how stupid could she be to even think of feeling this way again?

Hinata shut her eyes tightly, still dashing to who knows where until she bumped into someone.

The other figure apologized in a low voice, catching her in their arms. As Hinata tried to open her eyes, all of her blood seemed to rush to her head and all she could remember was seeing red, and then she fainted.

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