"Kylie I'm sorry." Justin said laying next to me. 

"Go away!" I said sitting up and pushing him off my bed. 

"Kylie listen to me." Justin said getting up and sitting next to me. 

"I don't want to hear what you have to say!" I said hiding my face in my hands. 

"Kylie listen to me!" Justin said grabbing my wrists and holding them away from my face. "I'm sorry for tripping you. I was just being stupid." Justin said, his grip getting tighter. 

"Justin..." I said trying to pull away from him. "It hurts.. Please stop." I said silently. 

"I'm sorry." Justin said letting go. I went to the bathroom and saw red marks on my wrists, a bruise was starting to form on both my wrists. 

"Leave me alone." I said softly, I'm shocked. Justin wouldn't ever hurt me, but he did. 

"I'm really sorry, please forgive me, I never wanted to hurt you. I.. I love you Kylie." Justin said hugging me. 

"Let go of me, leave me alone. All you do is hurt me" I said softly. "Please.." Justin pulled away and looked at me. I could see all the pain in his eyes. He looked away and left. I laid down and tried to fall asleep. A few tears escaped here and there, but I managed to fall asleep. 


I woke up and got ready for the long day. I wore: a yellow t-shirt with mickeys face on it that I got yesterday, black skinny jeans, and yellow high tops. I brushed my teeth and left my hair how it was. I went to go check on the kids and they were watching TV. Don't ask, I have no idea how they turned on the TV. 

"Come in guys, lets get ready for today." I smiled. Jackson wore: a red t-shirt with mickeys face in it, jeans, and red shoes. Jaxon wore basically the same thing, but a blue t-shirt. Jazzy wore: a pink t-shirt with Minnie's face in it, white shorts, and pink shoes. I put a white headband on her and I helped all them brush their teeth. "Lets go eat." I smiled and we all left downstairs. We went to the breakfast area, but no one was there. I checked the time and it was 6:45am. I looked at the sigh and it said breakfast starts at 7am. 

"You're Kylie, right?" I person asked tapping my shoulder. I turned around and saw a lady with a camera man with her, she was holding a microphone. 

"Um.. Yeah. Why?" I asked. 

"Is it ok if we ask you a few questions? The media wants to learn more about you." She smiled. 

"I don't know.." I started. 

"It will only take a few seconds." She persuaded. 

"Alright." I sighed. 

"Come on let's sit over here." She smiled leading me and the 3 kids to a table. "So you're here with your family?" 

"Yeah" I answered. 

"Justin's family too? Right? This is his brother and sister, correct?" 


"And this little guy, who's he?" She asked playing with Jackson's hair. 

"He's my brother, Jackson." 

"Oh Jackson and Jaxon.. Must get confusing, huh?" She chuckled. 

"Yeah, like when I call Jackson to clean up, Jaxon comes over... It's complicated." I giggled. 

"And where is everyone else?" 


"So is it true? Did you really cheat on Justin and make him cry?" 

Who Knew? (Justin Bieber Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now