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I stared at the tree in front of me. Its long branches were full of leaves and drooped to the ground. A slight breeze was blowing my way shaking the branches on the old tree. Letting out a sigh I sat down near the base and closed my eyes. I could still remember standing here just moments ago when Artemis appear. Yeah thats right, Lady Artemis herself had showed up to give me a talking to.


"(Y/N), you are quite a talented demigod and I think I can offer you something that can help you improve your demigod powers,"

"What do you mean Lady Artemis?" I asked completely shocked that the goddess of the Hunt was standing right in front of me. I never really had a good relationship with the Hunters but here I was talking with their goddess.

"I want you to join the Hunters," she said casually as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Me being the social butterfly I am (note the sarcasm) replied with an, "Uh...ummm"

"Yes, it is a lot to take in but it is a once in a lifetime chance so I want you to think about it. You have until dawn of tomorrow. Meet me here and tell me your decision."

Not trusting myself to speak, I just nodded as Artemis turned around and walked away. I had to shield my eyes as she took her true godly form.

I had always argued with the hunters about the way they viewed males and the idea of love. But they always tried to persuade me to join them. The only thing, or person really, that held me back was Nico.

Yeah, I was in love with him. Not that he knew anyway.

We were best friends for a long time, sometimes spending time in the arena pummeling each other in practice or at the Hades cabin listening to Fall Out boy. I remember the first time I had showed him my favorite music; he had liked it quite a bit, but was pretty confused with some things.

"You darn kids with your falling boys and your panicked discos and your romantic chemicals," he had said. I had laughed the entire day.

Sighing I went back to my cabin waving a hello to my siblings. I grabbed my (favorite weapon) and went to practice. After an hour or so, I was dripping with sweat. Deciding it would be good to take a shower before the campfire I returned to my cabin.

Suddenly I bumped into something and fell down. Oh wait it was a someone.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Nico asked.

"What? Yeah I'm fine. I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going," I replied looking down so Nico wouldn't see me blushing. Of all the times I could bump into him it had to be when I was a sweaty mess!

"oh okay," he said, "Hazel, Frank, and I are watching a bunch of Disney movies that we want to join us?"

"Um...sure let me just take a quick shower,"

"Of course," he said laughing at my now reddened face.

After a quick shower, I went and joined Nico, Hazel, and Frank just in time for Aladdin. It was really hard to believe that Nico and Hazel had missed the most pivotal part of their childhood.

It was only a few hours later when Hazel had dozed off in Frank's lap and he had offered to put her to bed. Of course, Nico being the protective brother he was scared Frank so much that the Asian boy was shaking in his shoes. Poor Frank. After Frank left, neither Nico nor I talked, just enjoying the comfortable silence that had come upon us. Well that is if you tuned out the Little Mermaid movie playing in the background.

"Nico, Artemis asked me to join the Hunters?" I said though it sounded more like a question than a statement.

Nico didn't say anything and his face remained stoic. However his eyes betrayed him. After years of pining after him I had finally been able to interpret his body motions and this meant he was...hurt.

Wait what? I didn't do anything to hurt him did I?

Nico signed pulling me out of my thoughts. "That's cool," he said, "It will just be like Bianca leaving me again." I almost didn't hear his last sentence since he had mumbled it under his breath. Still, his words had left me speechless. But before I had a chance to say anything (even though it would probably be a filled with a bunch of ums and likes) Nico had got thrown his precious aviator jacket to the floor and stomped out of the room. His resolve to be emotionless and cold was gone. If it wasn't for the fact that he pretty much said that I was going to die as a Hunter, I would have blushed at the fact that Nico had gone mushy for me, breaking down the dam that surrounded his heart.

~Timeskip To 10 minutes before Dawn~

I thought I would be worried, and I probably should have been. I wasn't pacing around my cabin, beads of sweat trickling down my face as I thought about Artemis's offer. No I had made my decisions long before Artemis had asked. I had made my decision ever since I had met Nico...ever since I had fell for him.

~Timeskip Next Day~

I was in the arena practicing my swordsmanship with Percy. I definitely needed the practice because Percy had beaten me every single time. Mumbling curses under my breath, I tried again (futilely may I add) to beat Percy, but someone caught my eye. It was Nico.

The bags under his eyes were more prominent. He looked paler than usual and his eyes were puffy and red. Dropping my sword, I ran up to Nico leaving a bewildered Percy partner-less.

"Oh Gods Nico are you okay?" I asked obviously concerned.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine. I don't need you's not like you would understand anyway." he replied looking straight into my eyes.

"What I do?" I shot back defensively, "I was just trying to help!"

"If you cared so much about me than you would never have even thought about the Hunt!" he shouted back, his face red with anger...and sadness.

"I wanted to join because I didn't think you liked me and I can't imagine being in love with anyone else!" I yelled back, unaware of the small crowd that surrounded us.

"You love me?"

"Yeah, I do,"

"Good, cause I love you too. Also, tell Artemis that you're mine."

"Of course"  

Nico Di Angelo x Reader Oneshots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now