Chapter: XXII

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I was paralyzed. The scene under us was horrifying. Twisted bodies lay under us, in all the wrong positions. If there were any survivors, they were most likely going to die soon. Which, sadly, there were survivors. Groans, moans, and cries started up after maybe a few minutes. Which, they stopped after a few minutes.

"James..." said Penelope, holding her hand over her mouth.

"I know..." I said, reaching for her free hand.

There was some shuffling, and then Nathan popped up. He went for me, but then saw how high we were. He immediately fainted. I looked at him, and pitied him. I went over to him, and I started to wave some air to him.

I looked over the edge again, and I saw a yellow road start to form under the wagon. Then, in the distance, I saw two birds start to fly toward us...or were they horses? I squinted at the two figures, which were coming closer, and fast. I blinked, and they were still there, but getting closer.

"Uh...Penelope? What are those?" I asked, not looking away from the two horses.

She took a quick look toward where I was looking, then back at Nathan. Then, she slowly looked back toward the two horses. She started to stutter. She then took a deep breath, and shook her head.

"I'm not seeing-"

"Penelope, are those Pegasi?" I asked.


The Pegasi were right in front of us, now. They turned around, facing outward. Pure light ropes started to form, almost blinding me. I held up my arm to cover up my face from the brilliant light. The light started to dim, and there was a humming sound. I slowly moved my arm away, and tried to look at the light ropes. I could barely look at them, but I faintly them loop around the Pegasi.

"What-" I was about to say, but we shot off, down the yellow road.

I felt like my face was being blown off by an extremely strong gust of wind. I tried to look at the horses, and saw their wings and legs just a blur. I tried to look at the ground, and I saw a blur of yellowish-red sand. I looked back up, and saw what we were going toward.

"P-P-P-PENELOP-P-PEEEE!!!!" I screamed, but my voice was gone with the wind.

I could hear Penelope saying something, but it was also gone with the wind also.

"Don't worry, you two, you won't crash into the mountain...oh, wait, three, almost missed the demon." I heard someone say. I think it was one of the Pegasi.

I could almost feel Penelope's anger.

"No, Penelope dear, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the passed out gent over there."

I slowly looked at Nathan and thought, Him??

"Yes, him, golly! You two lads didn't know- oop! Here we are!"

Suddenly, we halted to a quick stop. I was thrown forward, but was caught by some invisible force. I floated back down to the cart. I dusted myself off, and looked at the others. Penelope was shaking her head, and Nathan was awake now, but fainted again.

I sighed, and looked back forward. The Pegasi weren't there anymore...nor was the front of the mountain. Instead, there was a long white hall, almost made fully of light. The supplies in the wagon dissolved into light and wind, flying away in a beautiful display.

My attention soon turned to what I looked like. I looked like what I was when my true form was shown by the Demon King. I looked up at Penelope, and she looked...well...dark. But in an amazing way.

" look...amazing!" I said, marveling at her.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks. And you look handsome."

My face felt warm for some reason. Penelope laughed, and I did a long exhale.

"Not funny." I growled.

Then, my form flickered. It changed into a dark type of my true form. Penelope gasped, and said, "You're a...a...demon?"

I shrugged. I turned toward the hallway of light, and I began to walk.

"Wait!" Penelope said, placing a hand on my shoulder.


"It might be a trap..."

I look at her, and said, "If it's a trap, then it's a trap."

She hesitated, and I began to walk again.


I stopped, and shook my legs. They were tired, and I have been walking forever. Penelope was walking down the hall with me, dragging the still unconscious Nathan. I just noticed how long he's been out...well, I've noticed tons of things walking and having nothing to do, so just ignore that.

I sighed, and continued. I we were literally getting nowhere. Endless, and endless walls of light continued, making it seem impossible to get to the end. Well, let's fast forward to when I finally get there. It took a while, but I saw something in the distance. It looked like...sunlight. I could tell the difference because sunlight was more yellow than white.


She wearily looked up, and saw it. She suddenly had a great blast of hope, and she began to run. I ran along next to her, picking up the poor Nathan. I ran faster, and we burst into a large opening. There were clouds everywhere, with building on top of them. Everything was white, except for a few gardens here and there.

I smiled, feeling a sudden rush of happiness. I finally found home.



Hey Guys! LogLego here. You might be wondering what happened next? Well, the truth is, I don't know. But, there will be a next book. "Demonsdaughter". Its coming out in possibly June, but I know it will come out some time next year. But, until then, LogLego, signing out.

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