Chapter: XIII

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I glared at the Demon King, and I said, "What do you want with me?"

"Oh, nothing, but where the angels have made their kingdom." said the King, leaning back into his throne.

"I'll tell you this once, and once only, I'm not. An. Angel." I said.

"Oh? So you say? Mrof laer sih em wohs." said the King.

A searing pain rippled through me, making me scream out in pain. The pain started at my hands, and slowly went down to my feet. I began to glow, and my clothes changed. They turned white, and they were lined with gold. My hair also changed, turning brown. Finally, I grew wings.

When the transformation ended, the King spoke up. "Ah. So you are of royalty. That is interesting."

I started to breath heavily, not knowing that the transformation sucked almost all of my energy away. I weakly looked up, and I said, "Ok, maybe I am an angel...but I don't know where the...the angel's kingdom is..."

"Ah. So you admit the fact that you are an angel, but you don't admit the fact that you know where the kingdom is." said the King, nodding.

"I am not saying this...again. I don't know...where it is..." I said.

"Hm. A pity. Mih erutrot." said the king, getting up from his throne.

I yelled out in agony as an unseen force began to make my body feel like there was hot pins being pressed into me. As that was happening, the King walked over to me, with his hands behind his back. When he got to me, he said, "Pots."

The pain stopped, and I hung limply from the door frame. The King then began to walk around me. When he got in front of me, he punched me in the gut. I yelled out in pain. The king then lifted up my chin so I was looking at him. He looked into my eyes, and he then dropped my chin.

"Take him away. He's not lying, sadly." said the King, waving his hand.

He began to walk away from me as I was untied from the frame. I flopped down onto the ground when my hands were untied, since I was so weak. I was then picked up by my arms, and I was dragged away. When I exited the room, one of the people that was dragging me said, "You're lucky. Most of 'em don't make it even a second."

I moaned in response. I was so weak, I couldn't even talk. I was dragged past many rooms with doors of pure iron, with only a window made of bars to look through. As I came one door, I heard Penelope gasp. She then whispered, "What did that do to you?"

"Penelope..." I said, as the door was opened.

The people stopped dragging me suddenly. There was a creak of metal, and I was thrown into a room. "Have a nice stay!" snickered a guard. The door closed, and I passed out.


In my dream, I was in a pure white room, sitting on a bench. Next to me was an old man. Startled, I jumped up.

"Don't worry, James. It's only me." said the man, not moving his position.

"W-who are you?" I asked, slowly moving backwards.

The man frowned, and said, "You don't remember me? Your teacher that you got so mad at, all because I had to leave?" said the man.

I stopped, and I thought for a minute. I slowly began to recognize the man. I slowly approached him, and I asked, "How do you disarm someone while you get them on the ground?"

The man smiled, and said, "You always messed that one up, didn't you? Well, let's see...first, you lock your sword with your opponent, then you sweep their feet out from under them."

"Wrong, you forgot to swing your sword up once you kick his legs out." I said, almost the moment the man finished.

"Ah. So you finally figured that one out?" said the man.

"Clint!" I said, rushing at him.

We embraced, and when we let go, I asked, "How did I get here?"

"All in good time, all in good time. Come, sit." said Clint

Clint was the person that taught me my sword skills, and archery skills.

I sat down next to him, and he began to talk.

"You must know something before you wake up. You are not just an angel. You are also a Demon." said Clint.

I stared at him. "Then why do I look like an angel, not a demon?" I asked.

"Because your mother was an angel at heart, and your father wasn't a full demon at heart. He joined the Archangels after he was banished from the demons for letting an Angel get away on a mission." said Clint.

"So...I'm half Demon, half Angel?" I asked.

"Yes. Sadly your parents died during the Great War." said Clint, bowing his head.

"Was my mother the queen if the Archangels?" I asked.

"Yes, she was. That's why your clothing is lined with gold." said Clint.

"Ah." I said, looking down.

"Yes. Now that I got that cleared up, I need to go. I will meet you regularly when you fall asleep. Now, good bye..." said Clint.

Next thing I knew, I woke up against the prison cell wall.

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