Chapter: XX

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I woke up to the sound of someone banging two metal pots together. I groaned, and turned over. I finally got into a comfortable position, when that horrible banging started up again. I groaned, and groggily sat up. I rubbed my eyes, and I started to remember what happened.

"'Morning." said a voice.

I turned to the side and saw Nathan, holding two metal pots. I grumbled, and said, "What the hell what that for?"

"Would you rather wake up to being dragged along rocks? Or this?" asked Nathan.

"None of the above." I said, sighing.

Nathan hesitated, then said, "Well, I did you a favor, so I expect a thank you."

I ignored him, then I started to stand fall back over.

"Oh, yeah, and Reginald ordered us to tie your feet up so you can't run away in the middle of the night." said Nathan as I sat up.

"Well, that information is a little late." I said.

"Sorry." said Nathan.

I shook my head and I looked at the knot at my feet. It was a simple knot, which I could easily untie. I bent down, and started to untie it. Next thing I knew, I was 3 feet away from where I was, and my chest hurt...badly. I muttered a healing spell, and I started to get up. I then got kicked again, right in the same spot. I yelled out in pain, and I clutched my chest.

"You're not goin' nowhere." said someone.

I groaned, and was picked up by my shirt. A face came into my messed up view. I couldn't make out the details exactly, but it looked like a lean faced man that looked like he hasn't shaved forever. The guy studied my face, then threw me on the ground.

"Oh, hey Reginald." said Nathan.

"'Fer the hundredth damn time, don't call me by dat name!" said the guy that picked me up. He most likely was Reginald.

"Sorry...Sid..." said Nathan.

I coughed up a laugh, and I said, "Sid? *cough* what kind of name is that?"

"Sid" picked me up again, threw me on the ground, and said, "Don't make fun of my name," he turned to Nathan and said, "You know what happens when that happens, right?"

Nathan nodded, sand was about to say something, but Sid cut him off. "Good. Nathan 'ere is a good example."

I nodded, and muttered a healing spell. Sid got close up to my face, and said, "Don't you ever try ta' untie dat knot. Ya' hear me?"

I nodded, and said, "As long as you don't kick me in the chest again."

Sid grinned, and said, "Oh, you're gonna' make a great robber."


After the camp was taken down, the robbers saw dust being kicked up in the distance. They sent the two that led to my capture to figure out who and what it was. When they left, everyone there started to gear up. A wagon they had was filled with weapons of all sorts. I saw a glimpse of me and Penelope's weapons, but they were soon hidden. Now, I knew where my stuff was.

When the two got back, they said that the dust cloud was soldiers. The men started to murmur, and then the person in charge ordered him men to calm down.

"You all know the routine by now. Get the captives and Nathan into the weapon cart. We'll cover them up with our supplies and a tarp...NOW!!!"

I started to try to get away from the men, by they got to me quickly. I got hoisted up into the cart, tied up, and then they threw Penelope in. She was knocked out, but she was alive. I tried to scoot closer, but was stopped by the men yelling a count down. On one, Nathan sailed into view, smiling. He landed into the cart, got up, bowed, and the men cheered.

"Thank you, thank you! If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't have gotten into this cart. Thank you!" said Nathan taking a bow.

The men laughed, and Nathan lied down. Then, they started to throw supplies onto us. When they finished that, they put a tarp over us. The moment the tarp got on us, I said a spell to cut the ropes around my wrists. I then shuffled my way over to Penelope. When I got to her, I started to shake her.

"Penelope! Wake up!" I said, shaking her as hard as I could.

She started to come around as the wagon started to move. She opened her eyes, and said, "James? Is that you?"

I sighed in relief, and said, "Yeah. It's me."

She smiled, and a tear came down her face. "I thought you were gone..." she said, bringing her arms around my neck.

I pulled her close to me, and I smiled. "I'm never leaving you."

She kissed me, and we stayed like that until Nathan looked over at us, and said, "Will you two get a room?"

Penelope stopped, muttered a spell, and continued. Nathan started to say something, but his lips were suddenly put together. "MMM! MMMMMMM!!!!" I laughed, and enjoyed the moment.

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