Chapter: VII

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After the tall man told me hundreds of things about angels, he left. Before the kid could leave, I grabbed his shoulder.

"Kid, is your master crazy?" I asked.

"No. he speaks the truth." He said.

"I doubt it." I said.

"Although, he didn't answer my question yet." He said.

"What question?" I asked.

"Why you feel so dark. Most angels I have met don't feel so dark. But you are different. You feel dark." said the kid.

"Huh." I said.

I heard a voice in the distance call someone's name.

"Oh. I got to go. Come back to this bridge again if you want to talk." said the kid, rushing off.

"Hah. Angel? Seriously?" I said.

I shook my head, and walked over the bridge to the opposite bank. Once there, I went into the forest. The forest was a happy forest, with greenery growing everywhere, and songbirds playing their tune. Wild deer ate peacefully, not minding me. I literally went up to one and I pet it.

I kept on walking in the forest, thinking of what to do next. I stopped when I saw a glowing footprint in the dirt.

"But how did she get over here? I was on the bridge the whole...time..." I said.

I then realized something. The tall man was right. We angels could fly. But that didn't mean that the girl was an angel. She was something else, though. A...demon. But, back to the real world, I started to follow the tracks. After I passed a glowing footprint, it disappeared.

Soon, the tracks stopped at a tree. I looked up. There were branches dangling from the tree, obviously broken because of a human. Oh, no, wait, a demon. I began to climb the tree from the available branches that weren't broken. Nothing that showed that the girl was there, other than the branches, could be seen.

I then went back down the tree.

"So, I am going to be following this girl not by magic. Ok. I can do that." I said, rubbing my chin.

I then began to follow trees that had freshly broken branches. But, since I wasn't looking down most of the time, I stumbled and fell a lot, causing me to take more time then needed. I started to get dark soon, causing me to look for a place to make camp.

Sadly, in this cheery forest, there was no good places to make camp. So, I started to head for the darker part of the forest. This obviously got me off trail, so I got a stick, and I drew a line behind me so I knew where to go the next morning. This wasn't the most efficient way to do it, but it worked.

Soon, I got to the dark part of the forest. There was practically no vegetation, no song birds. And there wasn't a single deer in sight. Over all, this place would basically be a wasteland if it wasn't for the trees and the wild horses. And, of course, the birds of prey.

Soon, I found a good spot to make camp. It was under a big tree with very weak branches on it. I tried to climb the tree, but every branch my foot touched just broke. Anyways, I made an "x" to show where my campsite was, since I might forget where it was. I then began to make a fire. I gathered kindling, and luckily, tinder for the fire. I soon had a nice warm fire going.

I took out what was left of the jerky I had two nights ago. It was a little cold, so I put it on a stick, and I put the jerky over the fire. Soon, it was warm. I then began to eat it. Nothing bad about this jerky stood out. So, it had that nice tangy, and smoky flavor. It was a little too good though. I finished all the jerky before I knew it.

I then stomped out the fire, laid myself against the tree, and went to sleep.

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