Drowning in Sorrow

Start from the beginning

"I uh, was looking for the...bathroom!" I gave what I thought would be a carefree laugh but it came out like a dying seal instead. Something between a whimper and a cackle. I stopped immediately and cleared my throat. "Anyhoo, this one is clearly occupied so I'm just going to go ahead and leave...you to..yeah" I babbled out like an idiot before turning around and grasping the knob.

I didn't even hear him move, but suddenly he was behind me and his hand was by my head shoving the door closed. This was it. The moment I die. The moment I meet my maker and any ancestors I have on the other side- "use this one." He said quietly. I heard rustling and turned around slowly to see he had shrugged on a robe. He met my gaze and something about the deadly glint in them told me he knew exactly what I had been doing. That thought was confirmed when he moved back towards me and grasped my jaw painfully.

"Just so you are aware, there are over fifty men outside that will redecorate your body with holes if you step out of this house without my permission. ponimayete? (understand?) "

When I only stared up at him in horror, he squeezed my jaw and I whimpered. "ponimayete?" I didn't know what that meant but something told me to nod. He seemed pleased and softened his hold so he could gently stroke his thumb down my cheek. "khoroshaya devushka (good girl)" he murmured. And walked out before I could reply.

* * *

I sat in the giant bathtub with my knees pulled to my chest and chin brushing the surface of the water. My hair was washed and piled up on top of my head dripping cold droplets onto my exposed shoulders. I felt worn out, confused and scared. I didn't know who I was. No matter how hard I tried to remember, all I got was a headache for my efforts. I didn't even know what I looked like. I hadn't thought to glance in the mirror as I passed it earlier. I had been so shaken up. I felt my eyes fill and run over. And then the floodgates opened up.

I sat there crying for God knows how long. I felt so lost and alone. What was my name? Did I have siblings? Parents? Was anyone looking for me? Was I a good person? So many questions clawed at me demanding answers I couldn't give and caused my tears to fall all the faster.

My head started pounding from my sobs and dizziness took over. The next thing I knew, I was slipping under the water, sending a flood of it over the side of the massive tub.

* * *

The feel of someone's strong grip on my arm and stomach jostled me out of my dazed state enough for me to realize that they were pulling me out of the tub. I gasped for much-needed air and started coughing up water, which made my lungs burn and my eyes tear. Angry Russian sounded from the male holding me and then from the doorway. Vaguely I realized that I had a bit of an audience and I was naked as can be. Thankfully, I couldn't muster up the urge to care.

I was placed on top of the counter and then a big fluffy towel was wrapped around me. I hadn't noticed, but I was shivering uncontrollably. More Russian was shouted back and forth and then I was left with the man that had pulled me out of the tub and possibly saved me from drowning.

I looked up into ice blue eyes that were staring at me in anger. Gavriil. "What did you think you were doing?" He hissed out in a tone that made me want to shrink away. "Did you think drowning yourself would get you out of telling me what I want to know?"

My mouth dropped open at the accusation. Drown myself?! "What? I- I wasn't trying to drown myself-"

"Za-kroy rot! (Shut your mouth!) Your father probably taught you to do whatever necessary to avoid giving out information but trust me, I have ways of making you talk. Painful ways that will have you screaming for days mysh (mouse)". His voice was terrifyingly calm and his words should have scared me but I could only focus on one thing. My father. My eyes widened and hope flared like a dying flame sparking to life.

"My...my father? You know my father?" I couldn't keep the excitement off my face. I reached out and grabbed his arms, leaning forward. The towel slipped down a bit most likely flashing an ample amount of cleavage. I didn't care. He knew my father! I had a father!

"Where is he? What's his name? Is he coming to get me?" My smile widened at the prospect of meeting someone who knew me. Someone who cared for me!

Gavriil seemed baffled by my reaction as he stared at me with a blank expression. Then the expression changed to one of realization. "You...really don't know who you are" it wasn't a question. More of a statement murmured to himself but I nodded anyway. "But, you can change that right? Because you know my father and so it's all gonna be okay now and I can go home. Right?"

He frowned and stepped back, putting distance between us. "...finish up" he demanded quietly, turning to leave. What? Panic replaced my relief and I jumped down from the counter forgetting about my ankle. Pain jolted up my leg buckling my knees and a startled cry left my lips. For the second time today, strong arms wrapped around me, holding me against a hard chest. He tsked as he looked down at me his expression hard.

"Vy stanovites' bol'she problemoy, chem stoite (you are becoming more trouble than you're worth)" I frowned up at him starting to get annoyed with his god damn Russian! Would it kill him to speak English to me? Pushing away from him I stumbled and caught myself against the counter before turning to face him fully and putting a hand on my hip. "Stop that! I don't understand what you're saying so just stop! Speak English or shut the fuck up!" I screamed, beyond frustrated.

I lifted my other hand and pointed at him accusingly. "And you can't keep me here! It's illegal! I may not remember who I am, but I know that much!" I was on a roll. I was done with this shit. Try waking up in a strange place, with strange men and no memory and see if you don't flip your shit! His expression stayed passive. His gaze hard. It was a little unsettling but I forged ahead. "Now. If you won't contact my father for me, I want to be brought to a police station so they can help me find my family." I demanded with as much confidence as I could muster.

We stood there in silence staring each other down. "Well?" I huffed, my bravado slightly fading. He released a sigh and in two quick steps he was in front of me and then in one smooth motion I was hoisted over his broad shoulder. I yelped and struggled against his hold as he marched towards the door. "Hey! What the hell are you doing? Put me down!" I ordered.

When he made no move to do so I began pounding on his back and kicking my legs. My knee jabbed into his rib and a small grunt left him, making me smile in satisfaction. I made to do it again but the sharp sting of his palm on my ass made me yelp in surprise and discomfort. I could feel my face getting hot. Pervert! "W-what do you think you're doing?!"

"You hit me, then I hit you" I could hear the amusement in his voice. My mouth opened and shut a few times but I couldn't think of a retort. "Whatever...just put me the hell down!"

"Okay." he said easily. What? And then he dropped me.

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