The Announcement

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"Your apology doesn't excuse your actions." Colby shouted. I stepped out from behind Colby and gave him a dissaproving glance.

"My fiancee is absolutely right, your actions are not excused. However, your apology is accepted and we are grateful that you made the effort to come here and do so. We look forward to continuing this storyline with you as long as you continue to behave like a civilized human being. Again, thank you for coming here to apologize to the both of us in person but we have to get changed and would not. So I would appreciate it if you would head back to your locker room." I added to Colby's outburst.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys at the gathering thing going on in the conference room. Do you know what's going on? Paul and Steph didn't tell me, they just told me I could only attend if everything was mended by the end of the night." He replied heading towards the door.

"You will see when everyone arrives just like everyone else in the room." Colby responded coldly.

"Yeah, right, cool. Okay see you guys then." He said leaving the locker room before either of us could say anything else.

Colby walked towards his bag and began pulling out his regular clothes for the get together that we should have already been at. As he stripped down changing out of his gear I watched him completely enamored. He was quite possibly the most attractive man I had ever laid eyes on and he was going to be mine for the rest of our lives. He glanced over to me while I was starring at him. If the heart eye emoji was a real facial expression it would've been what he saw. He chuckled and walked towards me, grabbing my hand and helping me stand from my place on the small chair in the dressing room.

"Having fun watching me Princess?" He said with a smile.

"I always have fun watching you my love." I replied with a giggle.

"Good, cause you're stuck watching me for the rest of our lives." He quickly replied.

"It's funny you say that because that's exactly what I was thinking while I was watching you. I am the luckiest girl on planet earth to have you to hold for the rest of time." I gushed while leading him out the door of the locker room.

"Don't even get me started on who the lucky one is here Princess." He said laughing.

"Well, remind me to bring this up at a later time because I'd love to hear you try to prove how you're luckier than I am. But as for right now we really need to rush to the conference room. We're already late. Everyone is probably already there already waiting for us to show up."

"They can wait on us Princess, we are the guests of honor after all."

"Yeah, yeah you make a good point. But still I don't want to make them wait for us much longer."

"Alright, alright we're almost there honey." He said as we turned the corner and headed towards the room that held all of our coworkers and friends.

We walked in hand in hand, greeted by cheers and clapping from everyone in the room. A couple people whistled at us and we simply laughed as we made our way to the platform at the front of the room. There were a few steps which Colby guided me up like a gentleman. There was a microphone in the middle of the platform waiting for the two of us.

The room looked wonderful, Colby had done most of the work setting up and everything was just the way I wanted it to be. The tables were all placed exactly as I wanted much like a wedding reception. They were all set by me with pastel colored tablecloths and place settings. Colby and I had hung pastel colored streamers around the room as well and everything was just so perfect.

The whole room was captivated. Staring at Colby and I as we stood in front of the microphone glancing at each other to see who was going to speak first. For a guy who ran his mouth so much on television he really never liked talking in front of large groups. So, I decided to take charge and be the first one to speak.

"So, I guess you all must be wondering why we've gathered you all here." I said nervously. There were a few nods and whispered 'yeahs' among our coworkers. "Well, Colby and I have some news for everyone and we figured it'd be best to tell everyone we could at once. We've also got some pretty good food to serve too. I figured everyone would be hungry after working their asses off tonight." I said with a smile.

"Just spit it out already damn!" Joe shouted from somewhere to my right.

"Yeah Ariel, just tell us!" Jon chimed in next.

"Hey, hey, settle down you two." Colby replied stepping towards the microphone. "Ariel and I," He said grabbing my hand, "Ariel and I are expecting!" He announced with the widest grin I've ever seen on his face.

I smiled as I looked at him and heard the room explode with excitement around us.


Hey! Everyone knows the news now!! Feedback is much appreciated! I hope y'all are glad that I updated finally. Two updates in a 24 hour period, it's magic isn't it. Thank you all so much for everything.


I Swear This Time I Mean It (Seth Rollins Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu