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'hey! wait up!'

... shit.

she walked faster.

goddammit i didn't want to confront him yet, she thought.

whatever, it's now or never, right?

she stopped in her tracks and dramatically turned around,

blowing hair out of her face.


'hey. uhm, i wanted to speak to you,' he said.

he fiddled his fingers, mentally slapping himself for saying what he did.

obviously you want to talk to her, you freaking engaged the conversation numbnut!

'could we go somewhere else more private and less crowded than it is here? i mean i get that we have class but i really ne-'

she pushed a finger toward his lips, silencing him.

'you're rambling, and sure whatever. let's go.'

they walked quietly and in sync to the field.

not a single sound made between them,

except for the occasional puff of breath.

both of them had thoughts of how this was going to turn out.

freaking out, thinking too much, over-preparing.

when they reached a bench far from the main compound,

they sat and tried to breathe away the thick awkwardness that surrounded them.

'so what did you want to say to me?'

'well... i wanted to ask. is what you feel for me true? what you wrote in there, is it all true?'

well this is underwhelming.

'yes! of course! why would i lie more after pushing you away for 7 goddamned years where i felt absolutely miserable? you insensitive prick!'

'me? insensitive? you're the insensitive one. you pushed me away and i had to chase after you. even after giving you the space i felt you needed, i had to come back and make sure you were fine. and now, you're calling me insensitive? wow okay.'

'and for that i am grateful of you. but i'm not your child. you didn't have to chase after me. you could have just left me be and be whatever about it. and now after you kept pursuing me, you're complaining? well then, consider yourself relieved of your 'job'.'

she made a move to walk away, completely forgetting what she wrote in the stupid letter, leaving her heart with him and wanting to move on with her depressing life.

he stood there, heart beating fast, knowing that he had to do something. but he didn't- no, couldn't - move an inch.


with that, their worlds started to rotate by themselves and not around each other.

they left each other, continuing their separate lives. they eventually forgot about each other. not completely of course, but they have accepted their actions. they had found other people, different circles, revolved around other planets.

they were dead stars to each other, and that's totally fine. because they were happy again.


well, that's the last chapter. oops? I guess that's why I took so goddamned long to update HAHAHA sorry. do you want an epilogue? like they're separate lives and shit? idk if you want that, I could do it, just comment! oh and the letter thing. only if a lot of y'all want/ demand like a lot then yeah sure I'll do it. I have the first paragraph of it done, it's in my notebook somewhere HAHAHA.

I'm not going to miss this book. tbh. like I loved writing it but I just don't feel that connection with it anymore per say. like the front part made me feel FEELS. but it changed a long the way. I want to focus on my other books more now, starting with thirteen. then slowly I'll continue with GWTC. Then maybe the egg project, which is a short story. I have other ideas too but we'll see if they come to life (namely midnight connections and silent tears. I need to change the title for that. hm)


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