New York, the big apple of my heart: Chapter 21

Comenzar desde el principio

He arrived.

"Hi Mrs Miller you look fantastic tonight" he said. Mom was wearing an old grey track suit and an old Yankee Tshirt - hey Mom, isn't that MY Yankee T-shirt? MY twice-my-size Yankee T-shirt? - and she didn't have any make up on and her hair was a mess. She's got a bad flu that's why she's so crappy.

He came to me and kissed me.

"Look at that, you look just perfect tonight, Emily. Lauren Moffat's gonna hit the wall with envy for you."

"Thanks" I said with melancholy.

I don't know why I was melancholic.

"C'mon, let's go. Lizzie and Nick are meeting us there."

"Wait, you called him Nick? Not 'Lizzie and her other freak boyfriend' ? Or: 'Lizzie and - what's his name already?' "

"Yeah. Why do you sound so surprised? I like the man. He's cool."

Okay. That was 5-year-old Leo talking.


He grabbed my arm and ran, not caring about me wearing high heels. That was the kind of attitude of a 18-year-old Leo, and I-don't-care-about-the-world Leo.

He had stopped the Harley-Davidson motorbike he had newly bought with the money he had saved for ten years - yeah, since he was 8. He was an 8-year-old boy thinking about buying a monstrous Harley-Davidson - in front of my building. Hodge Junior, the son of the housekeeper, was envily looking at it from the window. I guess Hodge Junior is also an 8-year-old boy dreaming about riding a monstrous motorbike too when he grows up.

"Judging by the horrified look on your face, you don't wanna ride it, don't ya?"

"Um...I think I would have preferred a car"

"My car is at the garage. Sorry."

"And how come I can see it parked right there?"

"Oh crap. I thought you wouldn't see it."

"Yeah well, I did, Leo. So let's go in your car."

"Pleaaase! Emily Let's go on my Harley!"



That was 5-year-old Leo again.

"FINE. But you don't go too fast, okay?"

"School's not even two blocks away, Emily, we've got all the time we need."

One thing you have to learn about Leo: He's a big liar. Why do I have to fall for liars, huh?

"Don't you have helmets?"

"Uh...Sure I do. But I usually never wear'em."

I went on with a big moral lesson about how important helmets are for safety of riders of monstrous motorbikes like Leo.

He handed me a helmet, helped me put it on and we drove away.

As we drove away, I could feel his six-packs as I was holding him strongly. I felt my heart beating strong in my chest. I had spent an hour maybe tidying my hair so it would look nice, and using my mother's shampoos so it would have a nice smell, and now, it was a catastrophe.

Another girl might have found our ride passionately romantic, and terrificly fun and exciting.

"You can let go, now, Emily. We're there."

I hadn't realised Leo had stopped and parked the Harley. 



I helped Emily to stand up and held her hand all the way to the gymnasium, as she was shaking and shivering. 

She looked fantastic (she always looks terrific, it's just that today, she That black evening dress was not too showing. It suited her really well and highlighted the white colour of her soft skin. Her long hair was shining and had been left loose on her pale shoulders. 

I met Lauren's blue eyes. She had come today with a boy from the basketball team. She was wearing a low-neck, short silver dress. She was staring at me, apparently upset, like every time she sees me. She was obviously still mad at me for using her to get to Emily. I mean, please, why do girls get so emotional? Everyone knows that I don't work with Serious Relationships. But of course, Emily's an exception.

I held her hand and took her towards the dancefloor.


As we walked in, Lauren Moffat, with her sliver mini dress stared at us, especially at Leo. I'm pretty sure seeing him here with me as his date was a large bombshell for her. But what did she want? All her life she had had EVERYTHING. Now the only thing I possessed and that she wanted so badly was my boyfriend. I should feel sorry for her, but instead I feel POWERFUL. I am finally breaking her heart into thousands of pieces like she broke mine hundreds of times.

Leo and I danced. A casual, random dance, which sometimes ended my someone (by someone I mean me) beeing hurt (Leo payed so much attention to me, and the way he danced, that he would step on my feet and stuff like that.

If you want my impressions about the party, you'll get'em: Bad.

I'm beginning to wonder if my relationship with Leo turned out the way it was supposed to. It was supposed to be fun, it was supposed to be great, with heartbrakes at some moments, high in emotions, because Leo will try to cheat on me and stuff, because he is a player and an unforgivable jerk. But of course, I would forgive him, because afterwards he'd have come with a big bouquet of red roses and apologise, saying in loving words that it won't happen again.

Instead, our relationship can be described in one, single word: BORING.

Okay, fine. And a phrase: it didn't turn out the way it was supposed to.


 Hi, I'm Hillary, Allison's best friend and co-writer of this story.

Allison kindly asked me to take over our story during her stay in Nice, so I can upload a bunch of chapters at some times, instead of she uploading everything (yeah, she wrote practically every idea she had on Word, so...)

A bit about me? I'm fourteen too, I live in London, I love to be on top and I am the most modest person you will ever know (and I say that with sarcasm of course). I looove pretty little liars, which is one of the best TV series ever.

Let's get to the serious things to say, will we?

Even if there's a switch in the author, I would still love to meet you and talk to you on Wattpad. Also, you better not stop voting, commenting and fanning, because I will be the one blamed by Allie for spoiling the little success "New York the big apple of my heart" has had these past few weeks.

Thank you, and hope to chat with you all!

XOXO, Hillary 

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