Family on the Unknown Side

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-----------------Izzy's PoV----------------

The plan was simple. Come Christmas holidays, we would each claim we were staying with a friend in England, head over to 221b Baker Street, spend a week getting to know family there, go back to the U.S. and confront our 'parents'. Simple? Ish. from what I heard, correction, what everyone from here to China heard, Cecilia was having a little more trouble.


She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, definitely, father mine. NO. A week. Yes, just a week. Must I repeat everything I say? One other friend. Yes. Okay. I GET IT! Auf wiedersen ." She hung up.

"Sorted?" I asked.

"Sorted." She replied.

I left to pack.

:::Time Skip-Christmas Holidays:::

The train ride had been interesting to say the least. Phoenix had cornered us in the corridor and given us a list of things to buy while in the U.S. 'or else'. I wasn't taking any chances. But, as the cab pulled up outside 221b Baker Street, all my thoughts were on what was behind that door with the knocker twisted to the right. There was a moment of hesitation before I took a deep breath in, and knocked.
It was a few moments before an old lady opened the door with a:

"How can I help you dearies?"

Cecilia answered for me.
"I'm Cecilia and this is Izzy. We're here about Sherrinford's twins."

"Oh! Oh goodness. Well Sherlock will want to know right away, I'll pop the kettle on. Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee, black two sugars please."
We answered at the same time.

The lady, who I presumed was Mrs Hudson from Dr Watson's blog posts, nodded and pointed at a staircase, telling us Sherlock was that way. We climbed the staircase and knocked on the appropriate door. And from behind the door we heard:




The door opened and we were greeted by none other than Sherlock Holmes. He was dressed smartly, in black trousers, a purple shirt, and black dress shoes. He was soon joined by a man in a cream jumper and checkered shirt. John. The Gryffindor kid from the diary. I was about to introduce us, but I was cut off by a crushing hug from John. I looked up at him in surprise.

"Sherlock wasn't going to do it, so I thought I might as well."
Came my answer.
"I'm sure Mrs Hudson has offered you tea, so come inside."

Sherlock snapped to attention, like he'd just been pulled out of a trance. He guided us to a sofa, and while he was distracted I made my deductions, minus what was already on their websites:
John and Sherlock love each other but haven't told each other, John has still no memories of his Hogwarts life, abusive father on John's part, Sherlock is an ex drug-user, stopped... Eighteen months ago. About the time when he and John met.

Still a better love story than twilight.

---------------Cecilia's PoV--------------

Sherlock whipped his phone out of his pocket and sent three texts. He looked up at us and smiled.

"It won't be long before you can tell us how you got here, we're just waiting for a few more people."

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. I heard Mrs Hudson greet the visitors and usher them upstairs. A married couple stepped through the door. He had silver hair, a suit and a confused expression, she had mousy hair, wore knitwear and looked as if she vaguely knew what was going on. John rushed over to greet them.

"Greg, Molly! So glad you could come, still waiting on Mycroft but he should be here in..."
John checked his watch,
"3, 2, 1..."

The doorbell rang.
Molly looked over at mine and Izzy's confused faces.

"He's always exactly on time. You say to be here at three, he'll ring the doorbell at three on the dot." She explained.

I nodded once as confirmation. Then a man stepped into the room. Deductions: Sherlock's brother, high up in importance, supposed to be on a diet, failing at said diet, excited to see us, hiding excitement, jealous that Sherlock got there first, hiding jealousy. He was a little goldmine of information.

Mrs Hudson brought up tea and coffee, and we sat in silence until Greg piped up,

"Ok, so why did you drag us over here again? Because I have work at the yard and Molly needs to get back to the lab and-"

"You're here because we think that these girls are the twins, and John wanted you to be there to witness the momentous occasion if they are." Sherlock cut him off.
"We just need to test."

Molly started, "I could run some tests back at the lab if you-"

"No, I have a test." Mycroft spoke up for the first time.

Out of his pocket he pulled a tie. It was red and had garish, grinning snowmen all over it. He tossed it to us. I looked at Izzy and saw determination in her eyes. I knew what to do.
Between us, we turned it over, until we were sure that we had gleaned all the information that we could from it. Eventually, we looked up. Izzy started to speak.

"The tie belongs to a man, obviously. Probably an employer of yours, I've heard about your role as the British government. Gained around Christmas, for obvious reasons, there are snowmen on there for crying out loud! The owner has an office job, he must have otherwise he wouldn't be wearing a tie."

It was my turn.

"He eats a lot, there are crumbs stuck to the threading, alcoholic, you can still smell it, but he prefers vodka, as you can see there are little stains left on the end, wine or beer would have washed right off, but not vodka. Also, unpopular because, come on, who would want to be friends with a fat, alcoholic guy with a fashion sense like that?" I gave Mycroft the tie back.

Sherlock nodded once.

"That's them alright."

Sorry I'm rubbish at updating! I still love you all just as much! Did you like the chapter? I hope you did. Also, Lord of the Flies, Mayflower Theatre. Go see it. In the words of
Craig Revel-Haurwood (strictly), A-MA-ZING!!!
Peace off, and bless your faces,
Tiger xx

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