Your Love was a Grenade

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It's been a few months now,
I still don't understand
Why you did this to me?
Why you pushed away my hand?

I have been there for you,
no matter what was the situation
But you left me in an instant,
with not doubt or hesitation

Oh,I should have know,
should have seen the hoax,
behind the enchanting grace
Should have got out of your way,

when there was still some space
The explosion blew up everything,

now the're left no trace
Your love was a grenade,
that blew up in my face

All those pretty pillow talks,
guess they meant nothing
I believed your every word,
should have realised ,
that you were bluffing

It was a perfect plan,
and I was a perfect prey
And a pretty perfect timing,
you really didn't delay

 Oh,I should have know,
should have seen the hoax,
behind the enchanting grace
Should have got out of your way,
when there was still some space
The explosion blew up everything,
now the're left no trace
Your love was a grenade,

that blew up in my face

Now you must be looking,
for your next mark
You have got the explosives,
and you have got the spark

I hope they'll know better,
to fall for your deception
But if they make the mistake and do,
they'll be in for a fiery reception

I leave the task to God,

to save them from your traps,

'cause your love is dangerous,

it works like a relapse

Oh,I should have know,
should have seen the hoax,
behind the enchanting grace
Should have got out of your way,
when there was still some space

The explosion blew up everything,

now the're left no trace

Your love was a grenade,
that blew up in my face...

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