Chapter 31: Clow Reed's Past and the Origin of the Clow Cards

Start from the beginning


A boy with midnight blue hair strolled the shore of the huge lake. His hair was long enough to be tied into a low ponytail and two spiked bangs framed his face. His dark blue eyes scanned the place and took a seat under a huge cherry blossom tree. He was wearing a black shirt and a pair of black pants with a cloak tied around his neck. The soft, gentle breeze and the refreshing smell of the water took away the tension from his body. Soon, his eyes fluttered close...


Fluttering eyelids opened, he was face to face with a girl with long golden blond hair and shimmering aquamarine eyes. Surprised, he leaned back only to feel hard wood. His power spiked in cautiousness as he stared deeply at the girl. Blue eyes blinked before a smile crept her lips.

"Sorry for surprising you, but I am no threat. You don't need to be cautious, I won't harm you or anything." Her gentle voice spoke.

Still keeping his guard up, he asked, "Who are you? I've never seen you before in the academy. Moreover, how can I not sense your presence? What are you doing here? Can I trust you?" He fired one question over the other.
She blinked again and giggled. He was taken aback by her carefree attitude. Only then did he noticed her attire.

A blue dress that was tight on the bodice with its skirt a little flowing reaching above her knees, a dark ribbon around the waist and neckline, accompanied with a pair of simple blue flats with long white socks. He noticed that her hair reached her midback and has wavy ends. But what caught his attention the most was the multi-colored pendant on her chest.

He can feel some kind of hidden power in it.

"Curious are you?" She playfully said. His eyes snapped back to meet hers and they narrowed. "My name's Kaylina and I guess I am talented in magic but I accidentally messed up a teleportation spell and I'm curious on my location. Perhaps you would be kind to help me...?" Her trailing voice made him realize that he hasn't given his name.

'Then again, who will to a random stranger who suddenly appeared.' He thought to himself. "Clow."

"Mister Clow-"

"Just Clow, please. No formalities." He cuts off, his guard went down. "We are currently in Asteria Academy of Magic in China, the backyard grounds a few meters from the main campus, to be exact. (A/N Please bear with the name and info! If you have a better one, TELL ME, PLEASE!) Seeing as its a transportation spell that brought you here, and already knowing the location, you can find your way back home." He said, then a thought popped in his mind. "Wait, if you don't know this place, but you can use magic, where are you from? All wizard families send their children here and yet--" A giggle stopped him.

Kaylina realized her rude behavior and smiled apologetically. "So China, huh? So this is Earth of the Milky Way Galaxy."

"Huh? You speak as if you're from a different world!" Clow exclaimed, eyes wide. Kaylina gave a mysterious smile.

"That's because I am." Standing from her position, she turned her back on him. "Thank you for helping me. Have a nice day." Giving one last smile, she began to walk away.

Somehow, seeing her going farther away didn't sit right with him. He just met this strange girl less than half an hour ago but...
A strong wind blew, enough to capture many cherry blossoms petals in its currents and past Clow to the girl.
He feels like she can understand him.

"Wait!" A voice yelled. His voice, desperate and... What feeling is this?

High expectations from his parents, fear of losing control, pressures of being a talented magic-user...
She paused. Her body did not face him but her head turned to him. Her eyes were soft but curiosity was swimming in its blue depths.

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