Chapter 16~ Not What It Seems (Part 2)

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Hey guys, I know it's been a while but we were really busy and you got 30 votes and 15 comments! This story has over 10,000 reads, more than 250 votes and 90 comments! Thanks for all the support, we're really grateful for all the encouragement and compliments! We love you all <33

~Aria and Z


Eleanor's POV

Stepping into the diner, I looked around for Chris and found him in a matter of seconds. He looked nervous and didn't notice me walk up to him until I cleared my throat.

"Oh hey El... could we maybe take a seat so I can um tell you s-some things?" he asked, stuttering and now I was getting scared. It couldn't be that bad, right? 

“I’m so, so sorry,” was the first thing he said. 

“You didn’t do anything, well, I think you didn’t do anything. Why are you so sad? Is it me?” I asked. I felt worried all of a sudden.

“No, you could never do anything like that. It’s just that… well, yesterday, I got a call from my superior,” he stopped.

“That’s the person that’s in charge of you in the army right?” I asked unsire.

 “Yeah, he said that they were short on people at… at the Mexican border. He picked his best soldiers, and I was one of them. I’m so sorry but he said that it pays more and I need the cash. But either way I would’ve had to go. I have no say in this. I never wanted to leave you,” he finished.

“Who says we have to breakup just because you’re going to the Mexican border and guard it and stuff like that. We don’t have to end.” I choked up on my words. It was just like the first time he left.


“Laur!” I screamed.

 I tackled her into a hug! "It’s Chrissy’s birthday! What should we do for him?” I pretended to panicked. I had something amazing planned but it wasn't until next week. 

“You’re such a bad friend!” Lauren accused.

 “How dare you say that? What about you?” I asked.

 "I got him a present. A pre-ordered copy of his favourite book. Insurgent.” She smirked at me.

 “How?! That is not possible! It’s not out for another three months!” It was unbelievable! Too bad mine was better. Not trying to be boastful but it was! Maybe only a little bit better.

 “My mum knows the author’s publisher’s cousin’s best friend,” she stated simply.

 “All I did was get him a few shirts and…” I smiled evilly, I had a few tricks up my sleeve.

 “And…” Lauren asked me to finish my sentence.

 “Tickets to Imagine Dragon!” I screamed, showing her the three tickets.

 “No way! I thought they were sold out!” She screamed in excitement.

 “Nope, I got the last three,” I said proudly.

 We heard the door open and we tackled him in a hug. It was still awkward for me and Chris but we didn’t talk about it.  Once we let him go, he had a grim look on his face. His eyes were bloodshot from a lack of sleep, dark circles outlined the bottom of his eyes. 

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