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Dear diary,
Tonight will either be the best night of my life or a complete disaster...I say this because Mikey has gone a whole WEEK without Calum! Originally the deal was a day without him but the doctors got worried and pushed it to a week but AH! He can come over for dinner OH MY GOD! Sorry.. I'm just a little're the only one who knows about my little crush and I plan to keep it that way.

I don't really know why I like Michael..there's just something about him that I find intriguing. The first day I met him I have to confess I was terrified..all the doctors would tell stories about how he killed all the people who tried to help him..but then I talked to him and he didn't seem like that at all. Of course all the doctors think he's insane..sometimes I think that maybe we're all insane and Michael's the only one who's not. I wonder what it's like up there in his head?

All Michael things's getting to be school time which means colleges and work and no time for interning at the mental hospital. I'll have to quit..I don't want to quit though, I can't leave him..okay so maybe this is a Michael thing too.
My moms coming, see ya.

There was a knock on her door "honey?" Her mother asked walking inside "he's here" she said.

Lena hid her excitement and replied with a simple "okay" and stopped by her mirror before leaving her bedroom with her mother. She walked down the stairs and into the living room to see him standing with his hands in his pockets looking at the pictures along the fireplace mantel.

Michaels eyes examined each photograph carefully, taking in each expression worn on every family members face. They were all the same, a smile "why are you staring?" He asked her but making no effort to turn his head to face her.

"I don't know, why are you staring?" She asked walking over to him.

Michael smiled to his best ability and turned to his left to look at her. She wasn't wearing her purple scrubs like usual, no, she had on a nice white sweater with the palest of blue jeans and warm wool socks on her feet. It was weird seeing her out of uniform, but he assumed it was strange for her to see him without his blue jumpsuit and straight jacket.

"You look nice" she finally said.

"I do?" He asked looking down at his old flannel over top a band shirt and worn out black skinny jeans.

She giggled and nodded "you look...homey" she decided was the correct word.

Michael looked up and figured it was only fair to give her a compliment as well "you look nice too" he said.

She laughed "Thanks Mikey" she said looking down at her feet and swaying back and forth.

He stepped forward "Mikey?" He asked noticing the nickname she had given him.

Lena looked up from her day dreamy state "oh..did I say that? I don't have to call you that if you don't want.."

"No it's fine" he replied "I like it"

Their eyes met for a second but it felt like a lifetime of star gazing. As they were lost in thought of each other the sound of someone racing up the stairs shocked them back to reality.

"Lena you didn't say the freak show was coming!" A young boy with blonde hair commented walking over to her.

"Jason, really?" Lena asked "that's no way to talk to someone, apologize" she crossed her arms.

Michael put his hands in his pockets and tried to make himself look more intimidating.

"I'm sorry-"

"Not to me" Lena cut him off "to him" she said shifting her eyes to Michael.

Jason sighed and turned around to face Michael who raised an eyebrow when they made eye contact "I'm sorry" he said.

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