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Hey, I got my journal back. It's the only thing keeping me from ending everything right now. I got a plastic knife with my lunch today..I've been staring at it for hours thinking dark startling thoughts. It's not my fault for resorting to that though..the doctors moved me to a more secure area to stay's all white and soft and I have to wear a straight sucks.

I haven't seen Ashton and Luke in a while..Luke visited last week but now they told me he can't anymore. There's no doubt about it I'm going to end up a dead man in a mental hospital.

So, wondering how I'm writing? I convinced the intern to let me take off the straight jacket and journal..she's an intern, she'll do anything I say..also she's got a nice accent. Speaking of the intern I don't know her name..I tried to ask her but for some reason I can never speak when I'm around her..maybe it's Calum being weird as usual. Oh yeah and Calum hasn't been around much..I think the medicine is actually working. I really hope they let me leave..I can't take it in here much longer. The interns back, bye.

The white door at the front of the room opened and a tall girl with brown hair walked in wearing crisp new purple scrubs freshly purchased for this very moment. She carried a small metal tray with a needle and stethoscope and some other medical instruments Michael did not recognize "Good morning Michael, how was your night?" She asked.

Michael refused to reply wanting to listen to her different way of speaking.

"I just have to give you a check up and make sure you're healthy" she smiled.

The small enclosed room had only a bed. With that being said, she took a seat on the floor next to Michael. She reached for his journal to push it out of the way.

"No!" He said grabbing it and holding it close to his chest.

"Relax..I'm sorry I just didn't want to sit on it" she soothed him trying to hide the excitement of finally hearing his voice.

Michael placed it to the right of him away from the nurse.

"Alright let's start with your blood pressure" she said pulling out the medical equipment and wrapping the device around his forearm. She squeezed the rubber pump repeatedly.

Michael curled his face up in discomfort.

"It's alright, I'm almost done" she said noticing his facial expression and placing her other hand on his.

Michael's cheeks became the lightest shade of rosey pink. After a second or two she removed it from his arm and sat it aside to write something down in a note book.

Michael looked over trying to see what she had written. Noticing his motion the nurse tilted her paper towards her causing Michael to give up. She let out a giggle.

Michael raised an eyebrow.

"You're blood pressure is great" She smiled.

"Uh..thanks" Michael replied.

"Next I need to take some blood" she sat her paper down and reached behind her for her needle and disinfecting wipes.

"Can you count?" He asked.

"Can I count?" She repeated confused.

"Like one...two...three and then stick the needle in?" He asked playing with his fingers from anxiety.

"Yeah I can count" she replied cleaning her needle. She held her hand out for Michael to rest his arm in. He did so and she cleaned the inside of his elbow "okay one...two...three" she said before sticking it in and taking his blood.

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