Chapter 1: Introduction to My World

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Hey guys, I'm posing 2 versions of this short story, and a long version of this story on their way! tell me which one you like better! Plz!


First, let me introduce myself. My name is Christina Darkling and I live at 199 Merrywood Avenue Orangetown, California. I am 14 years old and am an A student (with an occasional B). I go to Millercreek High, and I have a 5-year-old brother named Jake, and a 20-year-old brother named Jake, and a 20-year-old sister named Austen. I have plain chocolate brown hair that turns dirty blonde in the summer, and chocolate eyes that shine gold in the sunlight (like my mom); I may seem like a normal girl, in a normal family, but my family and I are far from normal. Let's just say, we keep a lot of secrets.

2 months ago, my father was taken by devil creatures. I can hardly think of them without my heart beating faster, adrenaline pulsing through my veins. My grandma died 6 years ago, murdered by the same thing that took my father.

Searchers. I'm not sure what they are, but they are spawn of the devil if anything. They're like bear-sized dogs (10-feet tall) with the minds of very intelligent humans. They can sniff out your scent from thousands of miles away, and of course, can time travel. Their fangs are sharper than razors, and they are ruthless, only doing what their leader says, no matter what. Now it is my lifetime goal to hunt them down, and destroy them, protecting the only thing that will save the world from utter destruction. My grandma's daughter survived, and Is now living with me in a futuristic world, and in a past world too. Yeah, that's right: futuristic world. One of the amazing things about time travel, is you can go out of your time period, be gone for years or even centuries, and come back exactly in the same time span that you left. Interesting thing, time travel. Especially if your grandma's daughter is the controller of it.

I know this sounds crazy, I can't help it though (Im taking

care of a baby that controls time for godsakes). Sometimes I wish I had a normal life, with normal friends, but life never works out the way you want. Especially for my mom, who's probably crying her eyes out about how she might lose me, right after losing her husband.

Lately, i've been a emotionless, robotic, not very human. My life has been very monotonous. I've been traveling through ancient Rome, america before it was called America, all sorts of different places set in different times. The searchers still manage to find me, and attack me. Doing whatever it takes to try to get the baby from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2011 ⏰

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