Oh well.

I glanced outside, and saw the sun was setting. I remember at home I used to sit on the beach, the waves lapping at my feet and I would watch the sun go down. Then, I would just lay there, and look at the stars. It was always so clear, the sky at night.

"Um, Mrs. Weasley, then do you mind if I just go outside? I need a breath of fresh air."

She looked a little hesitant to let me go, but finally said "You may, but don't stray from the property. We have protective charms around the Burrow, so you'll be safe."

I nodded, and quickly ran outside. I took a deep breath in. Huh, I'm almost not used to not smelling the salty air. I walked into the orchard, and proceeded to climb a tall tree. I found a big, stable branch that would hold my weight, and sat on it. I leaned against the trunk of the tree, and watched the sunset.

"Pretty beautiful, eh?" I almost fell out of the tree when I heard a voice say that in my ear, but a pair of hands on my waist steadied me. I turned to see Fred smiling up at me. To hide my blush, I faced the sunset again.

"Yeah. Although, I like sunrises better." I admitted.

"Oh really?" Fred asked. He had climbed onto my branch and perched next to me.

"Yeah, there's just something about it, being in the dark then having it all go away and change into day, yah know?" I murmured.

We sat in a comfortable silence Fred and I, watching the sunset. As soon as the darkness engulfed us, I climbed back out of the tree. I waited for Fred to climb back out before grabbing his hand and starting run. He didn't question me, and ran besides me. I finally found what I was looking for- a hill where I, er we could see the stars. I laid down, and put my hands behind my head, Fred followed suit.

"I used to do this everynight, back at home." I whispered.

Fred stayed quiet. 

I looked into the sky, tracing the familiar patterns of the universe.

"These are the same stars as the ones at home..." I whispered. This sent a pang of homesickness through my heart. I'm not used to all of this- all these people, all this magic and friendliness, and just well, a family.

Fred started pointing out constellations, and we chatted aimlessly. It was actually really comforting. While he was telling me about one of his favorite constellions, Aries, we heard a crack. Both Fred and I shot up, and he whipped out his wand.

"Stay behind me," he told me. I nodded, clutching the back of his shirt nervously.

Quietly we made our way over the hill only to see-

"Grandpa!" I shouted, and ran into his open arms. He embraced me and kissed the top of my head.

"Hullo Dumbledore!" Fred said.

"Hello Fred, I take it you have been very good to my granddaughter?" Grandpa asked. I could see the sparkle in his bright blue eyes that was there whenever he smiled.

"Absolutely! I've been so good to her, think she's falling for me, to be honest." Fred said, winking at me. I smacked his arm playfully. Thank God it was dark, cause I was as red as a tomato.

"Come let us go inside. I need to talk to Mrs. and Mr. Weasley about you, Belle." Grandpa told me, ushering Fred and I inside.

"Belle?" Fred whispered to me while we walked back to the Burrow.

"Yeah, that's what Grandpa calls me. So did my parents, actually." I told him. 

"After I speak to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, you shall tell me about what has happened, and how they found you." Grandpa said, addressing me.

The Ensconced (A Fred Weasley Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora