Once back, they saw Andy was already there and in the lounge area, Ashley and Jinxx took the things to the back room area and Ashley went to get Andy.
"Hey Ands. What're you doin?" He asks.
"Nothing. Why?" Andy looks up from his sprawled out position on the long couch.
"Can I talk to you for a minute, in the back?" Ashley was trying to hide a smile because of what he was going to do.
"Sure I guess." The young singer heaves himself off the couch and follows Ashley to the back where he locks the door behind him when both of them were inside the room.
"Why'd you lock the door?" Andy questions nervously.
"Andy, your stress is getting worse. All of us can see it and we're worried that if you don't do something, or we don't do something, it's gonna end up killing you. So we're gonna try something." Ashley told him.
"And why do you care? Why does anyone care?" Andy questioned harshly peering over at the bags in the closet, "what's in the bags huh?"
"Stuff that can help." Ashley told him.
Andy walked over and grabbed something out of the bag at random. He had grasped the two pack of pacifiers with his own name on it. He held it up, eyes filled with fire, "what's this? Are you fucking sick or something Ashley?!" Truth be told, Andy had his share of secrets, he liked that sort of thing, acting, pretending to be young again. It helped him, but alas, he could never dive into it fully. Ashley could tell, he'd caught Andy sucking his thumb and clutching his beloved batman blanket a few nights ago, and again last night.
"No, I'm not. Unless it's sick to want to help a brother out, then yeah. I'm completely sick." Ashley said calmly.
Andy's crystal blue eyes pricked with fresh, hot tears and he secretly stuffed the two pack of pacifiers in his pocket, "you wasted your money Ashley. I'm going to bed."
The bassist sighed and unlocked the door for him and the singer slips by, retreating to his bunk. He saw Andy put the pacifiers in his pocket and smiled to himself, thinking that Andy would come around soon.

Andy climbs into his bunk and sees the penguin plushy Jinxx had picked out and pulls the curtain so no one could see inside.
He takes the unopened packet of the adult sized pacifiers out of his pocket and carefully, and quietly, opens it, takin one out and hiding the other under his pillow, "I want to. But. They'll make fun of me." Andy trailed off at the end of his sentence and hesitated to put the large pacifier in his mouth and suck on it. It felt much better than sucking his thumb and almost breaking the skin with his teeth. Andy pulls his batman blanket over himself, up to his neck, and held the penguin plushy close as he fell asleep.
Ashley had followed Andy and heard what he said. He goes out into the lounge an plops down on the couch.
"What's up Ash?" Jake asks.
"Andy thinks that we'll make fun of him. He's wanted this treatment all along, but he's scared. And I think that stresses him out more." Ashley explained then added, "I think I'll wait until he's in a really deep sleep and slip a diaper on him. And when he wakes up we can explain that this is for his own good."
The guys nod in agreement and after ten minutes, Ashley puts his plan to action. He grabbed one of the daytime diapers and made his way towards the singers bunk. He pulls back the curtain and rolls Andy onto his back which earns a sad whimper from the sleeping man. Ashley pushes the pacifier back in Andy's mouth and gently pulls his pants off, then his boxers, stopping whenever Andy would move so he didnt wake him up. He powdered and diapered the singer quickly then pulled the curtain back again so no one saw him and he wouldn't wake up from the light creeping in. Andy had woken up only minutes after, needing to pee, but when he saw the thick diaper taped around his waist, he blushed and pulled his sweat pants back up and hid the pacifier and plushy under his blanket so no one saw. Someone had to have seen though.

Andy makes his way into the lounge after making sure his diaper wouldn't be seen easily. Ashley, CC, Jake, and Jinxx were all talking. Andy hears the word diaper, and his name all in one sentence. He waits a minute to hear the whole conversation. "-yeah, he looked so relaxed with the pacifier in his mouth, I had to stop myself from awing at the sight. He seems to like the stuffed animal you picked out for him Jinxx." It was Ashley's voice. "Who wouldn't? It's soft as fuck!" Jinxx yelled. "I can't believe he thinks that we'd make fun of him." CC said kind of sadly. "I know. I mean, we wouldn't be doing this if we were just gonna bully him. We'd never do that." Jinxx pointed out. Andy couldn't believe it, they wanted this, they wanted to help him, make him happy. He walked into the lounge and took a spot in the the second spinning chair. "Oh. Well hello sleeping beauty." CC greeted. Andy mumbled a hey and looked down at the slight bulge in his pants. Jake looked concerned, "you ok Andy?" Tears prickled the young singers eyes once again, "yeah." Ashley sighs, "Andy come here." Andy tensed up and slowly walked over to him, only to get grabbed by the wrist and pulled down into the bassists lap with a small scream. "What was that for?" He asks shakily. "What? I can't give you a hug?" Ashley teased and hugged Andy. "Why are you doing this?" Andy asked. "Ands, we just wanna help you. All of us. We won't make fun of you. Cross our hearts hope to die if we do." Jinxx answers. "All of us hate seein you so stressed the way that you are. And we're worried that if you don't do something to help yourself. It's gonna end up badly. So we're taking it upon ourselves to do something first." CC added. "Please Andy, let us help you." Ashley finished. Andy started full on crying, he never knew they cared so much. Ashley moved Andy so he was straddling his lap and stroked his hair. "Sshhhh, it's alright buddy." Ashley cooed. That did nothing much to help calm Andy down and Ashley shifted so both he and Andy were comfortable and asked, "where's your binky buddy?" Andy sniffled and pointed towards the bunk area. Without even asking, Jinxx gets up and gets the pacifier, but also Andy's blanket and his penguin plushy and brought it to Ashley. "Thanks Jinxx, and, before you sit down, do you think you could get a bottle and fill it with cold milk for me?" Ashley asks as he drapes the batman blanket over Andy and gives the man-child the plushy and pacifier. "Sure." With that, Jinxx disappears into the back again. Andy gladly accepts the pacifier and holds his penguin plushy close then lays his head on Ashley's shoulder. "That's it baby boy, just let go of that stress and worry." Ashley cooed and held Andy close. Andy squirmed a little, realizing he hadnt done what he woke up to do yet. "What's wrong buddy?" Ashley asked calmly. Andy just squirms again and whimpers behind his pacifier. Ashley whispers softly into his ear, "do you have to go?" Andy nods as the tears start rolling down his cheeks again. Ashley wiped them away with his thumb, "just let go and I'll change you after ok?" The singer shakes his head as he becomes bladder shy. Jinxx comes back with a bottle of milk and handed it to Ashley. "Thanks Jinxx." He said and repositioned Andy so he was now cradling him. Plucking the pacifier from the singer's mouth resulted in a disapproving whine but once the nipple of the bottle replaced it, Andy was calm again and nursed at the bottle. Ashley held it for him with one hand and massaged Andy's abdomen above his bladder causing the singer to squirm and blush when he stops squirming and has no choice but to let go. "That's it buddy, just let go." Ashley cooed and rubbed Andy's stomach as he continued to nurse at the bottle until the last of the milk was gone. Ashley sits Andy up once the bottle was empty and only has to pat his back once before Andy lets out a loud belch. CC laughs, "I bet that felt good." Andy moves so he's straddling Ashley's lap again and lays his head on the bassists shoulder. Ashley pops the pacifier in Andy's mouth again and he suckles happily. Ashley gets up, carrying Andy on his hip to the back of the bus where the changing supplies were, "alright little one, lets get you ready for bed." Andy shakes his head, "no sleepy." "You can stay up, just not for long, we're goin out for breakfast tomorrow. And don't worry, you'll be able to dress normally." Ashley explains, setting Andy down on the bed and grabbing the changing supplies. Andy whimpered knowing he would be, exposed, and tried to hide his major blush. "Hey, hey, it's alright. Don't worry about it ok? Just lay back and relax." Ashley soothed and gently pushes Andy to lay down handing him a pair or footy pajamas that had baby animals on it. Andy loved animals. "Why don't you name all the animals you see?" Ashley suggested, trying to distract Andy while he started to change his now, wet diaper. And name the animals he did. By the time Ashley had sat him up, he was still saying what animals he saw. He took the pajama away from Andy for a minute so he could get his shirt off so all he was wearing, was a clean night diaper. He then worked the clothing onto the singer and picked him up again, settling him on his hip, "see? That wasnt so bad was it?" He ruffles Andy's hair and goes back out into the lounge and taking up almost the whole couch so he and Andy could be comfortable. It was suppose to be really cold and Ashley still needed to go change. "Think you can be a good boy and stay here while I go change?" He asked Andy who just looked up at him. He chuckled, "I'll just be gone a few minutes. Why don't you go lay on Jinxx, he looks like he needs a hug." Andy looked over at Jinxx, he was fake crying, and boy was he a good actor. Andy smiled a bit and crawled over Ashley and over to Jinxx then hugs him. Jinxx hugs back, smiling, and moves so he was cradling Andy comfortably. "Well hello." He said cheerfully. "'Awr!" Andy growled cutely. Jinxx laughs, "oh, are you a dinosaur?" Andy laughed, well, giggled, and shook his head and lisped through the pacifier, "'iger!" "Oh a tiger. That's cool. And I see you have a tiger on your pjs right here." He pokes at a baby tiger on Andy's pjs that was right above his stomach and he giggles again. "Oh I forgot you're ticklish." Jinxx smirked. Andy was tickled again, but not by Jinxx this time, but by none other than CC. Jake joined in and Jinxx held him down. Andy went into a laughing fit because they were tickling him so much, and if he hadnt gone not even ten minutes before, now would've been the time he went. CC and Jake continued to tickle Andy until it hurt to laugh and he couldn't breathe, then they stopped and let him settle down. By the time Andy was calmed down, Ashley had sat back down in sweats and a tank top, smiling at the sight of Andy cuddling with Jinxx. "Now that's cute." Ashley says after a minute. Andy looks up and makes grabby hands for the bassist who grins and takes him, cradling him comfortably. "Did you have fun?" Ashley asks. Andy nods and gets his pacifier put back in his mouth since it fell out when he was being tickled. Ashley strokes his hair, "your so cute." Andy looked up at him innocently, it was easy to see that he had regressed down, stress had just washed away from his body. "Why don't we watch a movie?" Jake suggests. "Sure, but nothin scary." Ashley said, thinking if they HAD watched a horror movie, then he'd be up all night with Andy trying to chase away the nightmares. "Aww, alright. How about Rise of the Guardians. It's kinda like a kids movie. But I think it's pretty cool." Jake suggested. Ashley nodded in approval, "that's perfect." CC and Jinxx agreed too and Jake put the movie in, getting Ashley another bottle of milk for Andy, warm this time. Andy sees it and makes grabby hands for it. Ashley smiles and pokes his nose, "not yet bub. Lets save that for later ok?" Andy whines and keeps trying to get it, Jinxx goes to get a toy for him and comes back with a set of colorful baby keys. He jiggles them in front of Andy and that gets his attention fast. Jinxx chuckles and hands the keys to him, "here you go buddy." Andy squeals and takes the keys, shaking them, making the guys awe. "Adorable." Ashley cooed and held Andy close. "You did the right thing Ash. You really did." Jake says. "No. We all did." Ashley says and Andy quiets down to watch the movie. Almost three quarters through the movie, Andy started getting tired. Ashley smiled as Andy rubbed his eyes and yawned, catching his fallen pacifier in his hand as he grabs the still warm bottle of milk off of the little coffee table and moving the sleepy Andy so he was cradling him easily. As soon as the nipple brushed his lips, Andy took it and started nursing at the bottle. Ashley grinned and stroked Andy's hair gently resulting in a soft coo from the back of the singer's throat. Andy closed his eyes as he drank the sweet, warm milk, soothing him to sleep slowly. He drains the bottle of the milk and Ashley moved Andy so he was straddling his lap and pats his back until he lets out a couple burps. Ashley wipes away the little bit of drool from Andy's chin and puts his pacifier in his mouth again, leaving him to suckle sleepily. "Aren't you gonna put him to bed Ash?" CC asks. "Not yet. I'll wait then lay down with him in the back. Just in case he wakes up later and needs something." He tells CC. "Good plan." CC says then adds, "why don't you get something to eat? I'll take Andy." "Are you sure CC?" Ashley asks, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah. It's really cold over here anyway and you look warm with Andy laying on ya. If that doest sound weird." He laughs at the end. "CC, ANYTHING you say sounds weird." Jake says. Ashley sighs and gets up slowly, handing a not yet asleep Andy over to to CC. The singer starts whining and his pacifier drops from his mouth but CC catches it and puts it back in. "It's alright Andy, Ash's just goin to eat." He says and strokes Andy's hair. Andy relaxed a little and laid his head on the drummers shoulder, he refused to sleep until he was back and cuddling with Ashley. CC tries everything to get him to sleep, but nothing works. After almost twenty minutes of trying, CC gives in and by then, Ashley takes Andy again, leaving CC to pass out on the couch because Andy's warmth was a little too much for him to stay awake. Ashley smiles when Andy cuddles into him almost instantly and rubs his eyes with his fists, "alright baby boy. Lets get some sleep. Night guys." Jake and Jinxx bid them goodnight and Ashley carries Andy to the back with the king sized bed, taking up the whole back of the room with little space for a closet and walkway. Andy whines when he's set down on the bed, "daddy, blanky." He points towards the door they came through. "Alright buddy, lay down and I'll get it." Ashley ruffles his hair and leaves to go get Andy's batman blanket and his penguin plushy. When he comes back, Ashley sees Andy curled up slightly, sucking on his pacifier, laying by, and on the pillows. The regressed singer makes grabby hands for his blanket and plushy, whining ever so slightly as he does. Ashley chuckles, "hold on bub." He lays down after Andy straightens out, laying parallel to the long side of the bed, and lays beside him. Ashley pulls the singer close and drapes the batman blanket over him and lets him have his penguin plushy. Ashley reaches into the bags by the bed and grabs a pacifier clip and clips it to the collar of Andy's pj's, then the other side to the hook on the guard of the pacifier after he had gently taken it from Andy. He puts it back in the singer's mouth before he could get upset. "There. Now you won't lose it." He runs a hand through Andy's hair and he snuggles into Ashley's chest, a large yawn coming from his mouth, then goes back to sucking his pacifier sleepily. Andy had just about fallen asleep when Ashley softly kissed his forehead and whispered, "goodnight baby boy. Sweet dreams." He fell asleep soon after.

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