"Way to go, Harvey." I roll my eyes.

He chuckles and orders us our drinks, turning to look at me.

"You like her, don't you? Look at that, falling in love on the job." He winks.

He had a great attitude today and it was scaring me.

After we grabbed our coffees and went back to the car, I finally look through my texts.

*When were you going to tell me HE was your boss.*

Jillian sent me a couple texts and called twice.

"Shit." I whisper.

The car drags along in traffic and I hear Harvey hum my favorite song, Come and Get Your Love.

We ended up stopping in front of Gucci and my stomach dropped.

"What are we doing here?" I grunt.

I knew there was a catch.

"I'm buying you a fancy dress." He says all posh.


"A charity event?" He speaks quietly with a dorky smile.

He knew I didn't want to accept. The look on his face was priceless though.

"Can't pass up a Gucci dress." I chuckle.

"Alright then." He says, stepping out of the car and holding the door open for me.

Harvey had suddenly switched back into serious mode, as if daylight changed him like a vampire. As soon as we stepped into the shop, Harvey was swarmed by two workers, both young woman.

"Mr. Specter!" They gush, pulling him over to the ties.

"Actually, ladies, I'm here to buy a dress for my PA."

It then just hit me that our affair was under wraps. No one besides Donna and Mike knew about us sleeping together.

"Oh." The blonde says, curling her lip up at me.

"Lose the attitude or lose my business." Harvey says, sticking up for me.

That was a first.

"Pick something, Carmen. Try something on. I'll follow you like a puppy."

"Like Mike?" I chuckle and step away, beginning to look at dresses. I feel Harvey's hand on my hip as I dig and it sends a current through me.

The slightest touch had me weak and I wanted him so badly. I bit my lip, trying to refrain from kissing him.

"Stop." I growl.

"Stop what?" He grins.

Harvey knew exactly what was going through my head and I hated that he could read me, tease me.

"Stop touching me." I grunt. Kicking his shin.

"Carmen. Ow. Your heels are not my friend." He says to me, trying to maintain his posture as if nothing had happened.

"Well don't touch me then."

I finally pull out something I think will look ravishing on me, and Harvey leads with me into the dressing room.

"Go on." He points to the open door.

"I'll be waiting out here for you to show me."

It took me a minute to get the dress on and make sure everything was adjusted right, but I loved it. Everything about it was beautiful.

I come out to show Harvey. He simply stares at me for a moment, then licks his lips. He stands up and walks to me, holding my jaw in his hands.

"It's beautiful Carmen." Before I could reply, he had shoved me into the dressing room and begin planting sweet kisses down my neck.

"Harvey, someone will notice." I whisper, my body tingling at his touch.

"I don't care." He says between kisses.

He finally brings his lips to mine and begins gently peeling off my dress and as I watch it fall to the floor, completely naked, Harvey's hands warm the cool wind on my skin.

He lifts me up against the wall, his hands gripping tightly into my thighs. I whimper as he nibbles down my neck again, and I begin to unbuckle his belt. As soon as his pants drop o feel relief.

"Fuck, Carmen." He whispers, feeling my sex.

It was wet and warm and as his hand toyed with me and his teeth left gentle bites, I could feel him harden near my entrance.

Harvey quickly pressed himself against me, sliding into me. I let out a loud grunt as soon as I felt him fill me.

He slapped a hand over my mouth and I couldn't help but taste his fingers. His skin was so salty and sweet and with every thrust my body broke down.

Harvey's lips came to my collar bone, then my breasts as he began to lick every part of my chest. It felt amazing and exciting to be here, fucking my extremely hot boss in a dressing room.

"Fuck, Harvey." I whimper, slightly muffled still from his hand.

"Carmen." He says sternly, letting me know to be quiet.

I couldn't help it anymore, I was seconds away from climax.

He began to thrust harder, my body bouncing as his pace quickened.

"Shhhh." He whispered, knowing I was close.

Could he read me that well?

I bite his fingers aggressively as I come onto him, holding in my moan as best I could. I suddenly feel his skin break, and I taste a tinge of blood in my mouth.

Without hesitation, Harvey pulls out of me, his come pooling slightly in my belly button, majority of it dripping to the floor.

Harvey presses his lips hard against mine. I can taste the sweat on his upper lip and I felt too weak to even reciprocate.

"Carmen." He says to me, holding up his bleeding finger.

"Don't ever bite me that hard again."

He hands me my clothes and goes to pick up the dress with his clean hand, hanging it back in its plastic and taking it to the counter.

"I'll see you in the car." He was suddenly stand offish. Was it because I had bitten him so hard?

I pick up my scarf and use it to wipe the come off of me, stuffing it into my purse before continuing to get dressed.

As I walk out I notice Harvey's transaction had been quick and he was already waiting for me with Ray. I thank the woman at the counter who are glaring at me and begin mocking my moans as I walk out the door. I clench my jaw and blush heavily. Fuck.

Suitless (Harvey Specter)Where stories live. Discover now